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British Romantic Drama Films (X) Economics (X)

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Cyclopedia of Economics

By: Sam Vaknin

...tyranny which lie in wait beneath the surface." Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963), British writer I. Overview of Theories of Anarchism Politics... ...ry language for a minute, what group does not behave this way? Harvard alumni, the British Commonwealth, the European Union, the Irish or the Itali... ...cond mortal sin by transforming itself into an outpost and beacon of Western (first British-French, then American) neo-colonialism. As the represent... ...l". Animals, goes the myth, don't prey on their own kind. Alas, like so many other romantic lores, this is untrue. Most species - including our clo... ...-productive", "city-based" vocations. Agricultural and industrial occupations were romantically extolled. The cities were berated as hubs of moral ... of conditioning. The Encyclopaedia Britannica quotes fascinating research which dramatically proves the object- independent nature of empathy. Em... ...ion becomes - the less fecund it is. Birth rates throughout the world have dropped dramatically already. Instead of culling the great unwashed and ... ...omen's life expectancy, prolonged their child bearing years, improved their health dramatically, and preserved their beauty through a myriad newfan... ...nt and content. Today, people are looking to the family for emotional sustenance (romantic love, companionship) and not as an instrument to enhanc...

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Cyclopedia of Philosophy

By: Sam Vaknin

...tyranny which lie in wait beneath the surface." Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963), British writer I. Overview of Theories of Anarchism Politics... ...ry language for a minute, what group does not behave this way? Harvard alumni, the British Commonwealth, the European Union, the Irish or the Itali... ...cond mortal sin by transforming itself into an outpost and beacon of Western (first British-French, then American) neo-colonialism. As the represent... ...l". Animals, goes the myth, don't prey on their own kind. Alas, like so many other romantic lores, this is untrue. Most species - including our clo... ...-productive", "city-based" vocations. Agricultural and industrial occupations were romantically extolled. The cities were berated as hubs of moral ... of conditioning. The Encyclopaedia Britannica quotes fascinating research which dramatically proves the object- independent nature of empathy. Em... ...ion becomes - the less fecund it is. Birth rates throughout the world have dropped dramatically already. Instead of culling the great unwashed and ... ...omen's life expectancy, prolonged their child bearing years, improved their health dramatically, and preserved their beauty through a myriad newfan... ...nt and content. Today, people are looking to the family for emotional sustenance (romantic love, companionship) and not as an instrument to enhanc...

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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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