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Master Francis Rabelais Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and His Son Pantagruel

By: Thomas Urquhart

...MASTER FRANCIS RABELAIS FIVE BOOKS OF THE LIVES, HEROIC DEEDS AND SAYINGS OF GARGANTUA AND HIS SON PANTAGRUEL T ranslated into English by... ...SON PANTAGRUEL T ranslated into English by Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty and Peter Antony Motteux A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publicatio... ...rge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State U... ...s to the most delicate tastes.’ Putting aside the rather slight connection established be- tween two men of whom one is of very little importance comp... ...ssive spoil that was made by Picrochole, King of Lerne, upon his lands and territories, and how he had pil- laged, wasted, and ransacked all the count... ...onditions, holding your joint confed- eracy in as high esteem as their own territories and domin- ions, in such sort, that from the memory of man ther... ...e to an end, must it needs be by wrong- ing my king,—him by whom thou wert established? If thy house must come to ruin, should it therefore in its fal... ...raw them to peace but by sharp and fierce wars. Chapter 1.XXXIII. How some statesmen of Picrochole, by hairbrained counsel, put him in extreme danger.... ...turned into his country, he called a parliament, where all the princes and states of his kingdom being assembled, he showed them the humanity which he...

...Excerpt: Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and His Son Pantagruel by Master Francis Rabelais, translated by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Antony Motteux....

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