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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...R RETURNS‖ --In Search of Utopia-- BOOK 4 A Look at Human Values by Lemuel Gulliver XVI as told to Jacqueline Slow Art Work by Susie Klein... ...e I didn‘t know what I was eating, but it was all delicious. No wonder you people don‘t get fat. You can eat for hours and take in so few calories—al... ...s who like Szechwan and Thai.‖ --―My taste buds have been destroyed by jalapenos and habaneras so I‘ll go for your hottest recommendation. Wha... ...atisfaction as earning another $50,000 a year. —―In our country people tend to work instead of vacationing so they have extra money to add... ...God. Then as they proceeded to the last room there was a model of Sputnik hanging from the ceiling. Obviously science, not God, was the path for the... ...sunk and drowned they were innocent, if they floated they were guilty and executed. These apparently included the mentally ill and the infirm as well... ...has 31%. But some other countries are much higher, like Egypt with 60% and Poland with 40%, but these are developing economies. Other socialistically... ...a whisk of nearly transparent smoke. 346 ‖Not long ago a man in Poland, who had been in a coma for many years, woke up. He said he could h... ... ―Elijah, too, asked that God take him in First Kings 19:4, after he had executed all the prophets with his sword. Also in First Kings 18:40, he ‗p...

... the year 2020 Commander Lemuel Gulliver XVI returns from a twenty year odyssey around the solar system, searching for sites where the world's excess people can be re-located. He found none. On his return he vows to search for solutions to the planet's most pressing problem. He has written six books of his planned fourteen book series and invites you to read them....

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