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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

... Chapter 5: Modern Humans: Pgs 267-299 The Transition from Hunter-gatherers to Settlements ... ...nce Pg 265 Memory and Wisdom Chapter Five: Modern Humans: The Transition from Hunter-gatherers to Settlements. Pg 267 Modern Humans before C... ...e of Indulgences Pg 1015 The Protestant Psychological Reformation of Slavery from Unwilling to Willing Work Slaves Pg 1017 Sharing Pg 1020 Shari... ...tion a lifetime of expensive dental care. And save them from the diseases of diabetes, obesity, the dysfunctions of hyperactive children out of cont... ... power of national banks, moneyed capitalists…money: filthy lucre, capitalist deathsheads: the Jewish Rothschild family intermarrying with English, A... ...Harbor was going to be bombed and letting Americans die so he could use their deaths as an excuse to declare war. Just like Bush Jr. used the pre-kn... ...first would-be skinners lost their own skins in the process and died horrible deaths. They were literally skinned alive by their own evils… they di... ...y do all industrialized societies have higher rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, tooth decay, and a whole host of illnesses that simply do not... ...hese three different diets. Nearly every human ailment: from obesity, to diabetes, from bad breath to ulcers… can be traced to the eating of pr...

... fiction work of 1,868 pages: This is the latest revised version. The book analyzes and explains: 1: The origins of our Universe: where it came from and how it was created. 2: Basic aspects and dynamics of the Organic Universe and Organic Life. 3: The origins of modern humans going back 25 million years. 4: Human Psycho-biology. 5: The beginnings of civilization....

...r 4: Modern Human Dynamics Pgs 223-266 Human Psycho-biologic Totality. Chapter 5: Modern Humans: Pgs 267-299 The Transition from Hunter-gatherers to Settlements Chapter 6: Civilization Pgs 300-704 A: The Beginnings of Civilization Pgs 705-1474 B: The Effect of Civilization on Humans Pgs 1475-1868 Chapter 7:...

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