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Quantization and Discretization at Large Scales

By: Florentin Smarandache, Editor; V. Christianto, Editor

A line of thought explored herein is the correspondence between cosmological phenomena and condensed matter physics, and therefore we can think that the quantization of orbit distances can be caused by superfluid helium quantization. This issue is explored by F. Smarandache and V. Christianto. Moreover, F. Smarandache also discusses possible new era of research that is pertaining to superluminal physics and instantaneous physics. Ion Patrascu and D. Rabounski discuss superluminality from their perspectives. And M. Pereira discusses his Hypergeometrical Universe model....

Preface III Contents IV Planetary orbits in Solar and Extrasolar systems (A. Rubcic & J. Rubcic) Fizika A, 19 no.3, 2010...................1 Areal velocities of planets and their comparison (P. Pintr, V. Per\inova% , A. Luks\) unpubl. 2011...................15 Distribution of distances in solar system (P. Pintr, V. Perinova , A. Luks) Chaos , Soliton, Fractals 2007...................27 New cosmological model of universe and possible quantization of the Hubble parameter (P.Pintr) unpublished paper, Dec. 2011...................39 Do we really understand the solar system? (M. Pitkanen) Nov. 27th 2011...................50 Inflation and TGD (M. Pitkanen) Dec. 10th 2011...................70 QCD and TGD (M. Pitkanen) Dec. 19th 2011...................78 Quantum arithmetics and the relationship between real and p-adic physics (M. Pitkanen) Dec. 12th 2011...................94 A blind pilot: who is super-luminal observer? (D. Rabounski) Progress in Physics Vol.2, 2008................126 Scientist deduced the existence of particles with faster-than-light speeds recently discovered by CERN. (I. Patrascu) Progress in Physics Vol.4, 20...

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