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West Vancouver (X) History (X) Non Fiction (X)

Records: 1 - 4 of 4 - Pages: 
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The Early Mapping of Hawai'I

By: Gary L. Fitzpatrick

...f the mapping of HawaiI during the pivotal years in which the indigenous society was radically transformed by the peoples and ideas imported from the West. Foreigners introduced the concept of mapmaking to HawaiI, and they made maps of the islands to satisfy the needs of maritime commerce, missionary endeavors, and scientific investigations. Nearly seventy maps, comple...

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Sarmiento Y la Patagonia

By: Francisco M. Goyogana

...ciones; pero la oficialidad del ejército se prepara en la academia militar de West Point, célebre en el mundo hoy por la ciencia que profesan, por l... ...e acuerdo, a cambio de la renuncia española a sus pretensiones en la costa de Vancouver, Gran Bretaña reconoció que todas las islas de la costa pata...

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Heroes of Unknown Seas and Savage Lands

By: J. W. Buel

...rcumnavigation of Africa by the ancients -- Solomon's navy -- Discovery of the West Indies by Carthaginians -- Hamilcar's voyage to the North seas -- ... ...ion of the Roman empire 33-44 CHAPTER II. Visions of the past. -- Eastward and westward of human life -- The greatness of ancient Carthage -- Venice t... ...f Marco Polo excited ambition to reach Zipangu and Cathay -- The search voyage westward -- Discoveries lead to conflicts -- The Pope apportions the wo... ...eries lead to conflicts -- The Pope apportions the world -- ' Discovery of the West Indies -- John Cabot discovers North America -- Voyages of the you... ...ast Indies. -- Abandoning his purpose to find a northwest passage, Drake sails westward to the Moluccas -- Drake's ship is attacked by Islanders -- De... ... Here he came to anchor in a cove which he called Hope Bay, in the vicinity of Vancouver Island, and directly after saw a dozen natives on the shore, ... ...ion that it was the eagerly soughtfor passage was not unnatural, as the Bay of Vancouver, into which it leads, is sufficiently large to justify the b...

... Troy with India -- Expeditions sent out by Menelaus and Neco -- The circumnavigation of Africa by the ancients -- Solomon's navy -- Discovery of the West Indies by Carthaginians -- Hamilcar's voyage to the North seas -- Wonderful lands and fountains -- Astounding adventures of Hanuo -- Weird sights on the shores of ancient Africa -- Witches and Snake charmers -- Among the...

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Place Names of Hawaii - Hawaii Dictionary

By: Mary Kawena Pukui

...ample, wrote Hawai i as Owy-hee (the Tahitian pronunciation today is Vaihi), Maui as Mowee, O ahu as O-ahoo, Kaua i as Atowai, and Ni ihau as Neehau. Vancouver in 1794 wrote the same names Owhyee, Mowee, Woahoo, Attowai, and Onehow. Such spellings are of historic and linguistic interest, but the present study focuses on today's usages. In a few instances, however, outmoded...

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Records: 1 - 4 of 4 - Pages: 

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