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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

...de It, It'i Right." Official Jewelers of the Losdinp CoIIcecs, Schools ind Associations. Class Pins. Fraternity Pins, Medals. Cups, etc. Watches. Diam... ...standpoint; for the consumer is implicated, un consciously perhaps, in the crime of child labor, inasmuch as it is he who uses its products, among the... ...s no effort to suppress this evil cannot be held entirely guiltless of the crime. Those who oppose the restric- tion of child labor and who say that t... ...ic Club—Manager, J. D. G. Hiiro7; president, A.F. Jaeckel 2d '07. ' Tennis Association—Preiident, K. S. Dotnett '07; captain, J. A. Linen, Jr., Willia... ...c Debating Union—Manager, A. J. Allen '07; president, R. H. Case "07. Golf Association— Manager, A. F. Jaeckel id, '07; captain, A.W. Mitchell '07. Ho... ...r of losinc, " the determination to win at any cost, which is a species of crime. Failure in the face of all obstacles is as praiseworthy as success. ... ... a brilli- ant stylist, and belongs to the decorative, prose-poet order of writers. While it is true that in many of his personal traits he re- minds ... ...nilwr which show increasing ease and creative faculty on the part of thair writers. ""The Gate of Tears'" by Mr. Westerraann, is espuoially sweet, ten... ...herbe. Balzac, Descartes. Pascal, the scholar and poet, and the dra- matic writers of the French stage before Oorneille, RUNAWAY GAME WITH RUTGERS Wil...

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