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African Union (X) Medicine (X) Literature & thought (X)

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Two Years before the Mast, And Twenty-Four Years After: A Personal Narrative of Life at Sea

By: Richard Henry Dana

...akfast. Here I cannot but remember the advice of the cook, a simple hearted African. ‘‘Now,’’ says he, ‘‘my lad, you are well cleaned out; you haven’... ...go to hell after all, would be hard indeed!’’ Our cook, a simple hearted old African, who had been through a good deal in his day, and was rather ser... ...ication table and the tables of weights and measures; then the states of the union, with their capitals; the counties of England, with their shire t... ...Seamen’s Friend Society, and of the other smaller societies throughout the Union, have been a true blessing to the seaman; and bid fair, in course ... any one might have seen could not be right, and which turned out to be an African Baptist meeting house. But my friend had many capital points of ... ...ple were alike, nearly all of the English race, though from all parts of the Union. The latest French bonnets were at the head of the chief pews, and ... the Mast Richard Henry Dana educated men and women from all parts of the Union I met with; where New England, the Carolinas, Virginia, and the ne...

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The Bostonians

By: Henry James

... his discourse was pervaded by something sul try and vast, something almost African in its rich, basking tone, something that suggested the teeming e... ...ppiest days, for when causes were embodied in foreigners (what else were the Africans?), they were certainly more appealing. She had just come down to... ...onist circles, and she was aware how much such a prospect was clouded by her union with a young man who had begun life as an itinerant vendor of lead ... ... been looking for so long—a friend of her own sex with whom she might have a union of soul. It took a double consent to make a friendship, but it was ... ...she disapproved of it. ‘Well, I must say,’ said Miss Tarrant, ‘I prefer free unions.’ Olive held her breath an instant; such an idea was so disagreeab... ...nimosity to flourishing evils lived in the happiest (though the most illicit) union with the mania for finding excuses, even Miss Birdseye was obliged t... ...ollection of that off hand speech of Verena’s about her preference for ‘free unions.’ This had been mere maiden flippancy; she had not known the meanin...

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The Maine Woods

By: Henry David Thoreau

...that some hours only of travel in this direction 1 Chapter first published in Union Magazine, 1848. 2 The Maine Woods will carry the curious to the ve... ... We inquired the time; none of my companions had a chronometer. At length an African prince rushed by, observing, “Twelve o’clock, gentlemen!” and 9 C...

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Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 

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