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Leaders Who Took Power by Coup (X) PDF (eBook) (X) Physics (X) Literature & philosophy (X)

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The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet

By: George Bernard Shaw

...THE SHEWING-UP OF BLANCO POSNET By GEORGE BERNARD SHAW A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication ... ...his is to give governments a great many more things to do, it also gives a powerful stimulus to the art of How Not To Do Them: that is to say, the art... ... in future to be construed as if it contained a clause giving the landlord power to break it and evict the lessee if he produces a play without first ... ...ractical immu- nity from prosecution must be put an end to; but no manager who procures the Lord Chamberlain’s li- cence for a play can be punished in... ...perfectly free to do so, and shall be at no disadvantage compared to those who follow the ex- isting practice, except that they may be punished, have ... ... as a member of the Liberal Party, of which his father had been one of the leaders during the Gladstone era. Mr Harcourt was thus a young man marked o... ...uthor of a couple of plays of remarkable promise. Mr Harcourt informed his leaders that he was going to take up the subject of the censorship. The lea... ...uce what used to be called a Chinese civilization until the Chinese lately took to immoral courses by permitting railway contractors to desecrate the ... ...- plete. It was Lord Gorell whose vote had turned the close division which took place on the question of receiving my statement. It was Lord Gorell wi...

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The Enormous Room

By: E. E. Cummings A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication The Enormous Room by E.(Edward) E.(Estlin) Cummings is a publication of the Pennsylvania Stat... ... for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way. The Enormous Room by E.(Edward) E.(Estlin) Cummings, the Pennsylvania State University, Elect... ...t of official misinformation. He was entombed by the French Government. It took the better part of three months to find him and bring him back to life... ...rt of three months to find him and bring him back to life—with the help of powerful and will- ing friends on both sides of the Atlantic. The following... ...his friend alone. My son has a mother—as brave and patriotic as any mother who ever dedicated an only son to a great cause. The mothers of our boys in... ...fficial, a friend in need and a friend indeed in these trying experiences, took the precaution to have it delivered by messenger. Otherwise, fear that... ...merican Embassy at Paris and constant efforts by my friend Richard Norton, who was head of the Norton-Harjes Am- bulance organization from which they ... ...rdinary procession. Fritz was right behind them, however, and pressing the leaders hard. I heard Mon- sieur Auguste crying in his child’s voice: “If e... ... Captors—“and I know of her in Bel- gium, she is a great lady, she is very powerful and she is gen- erous; I fell on my knees before her, and implored...

...Introduction: ?For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost; and is found.? He was lost by the Norton-Harjes Ambulance Corps. He was officially dead as a result of official misinformation....

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