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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford

...ch. Nothing would make the result more rewarding than for a scholar (or scholars) to take freely from this book whatever might be useful and write... ...led by Robert Ballard, famed for his recovery of the sunken Titanic. Many scholars dispute the Noah’s Flood account, but it seems consistent with the... ... its Ptolemy 8 rulers‘ reputation as the greatest patrons of science and scholarship. 8 An intr... ...e even leading trading centers in Europe. Nevertheless, I find no Western scholars linking that awakening to the problem-solving knowledge power tha... ...ar outshone even leading trading centers in Europe. Yet I find no Western scholars linking that awakening to the problem-solving knowledge power gen... ...of unsold copies.  Targeting separate markets, such as academic, church, legal, or erotic.  Deciding when and where to purchase capital equipment,... ...right to create limitations that previously did not exist on the public‘s legal right to copy. It turns out that it always seems legal to copy as lo... ...pies even when free illegal copies are available to all or even when free legal copies are available. Even though my own efforts through Project Gut... ... Here, we get to a historical perspective: You see, it has always been legal to copy just so long as you couldn‘t! Before Gutenberg, there were n...

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