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Facts and Fictions in the Securities Industry

By: Sam Vaknin

... World in Conflict and Transition http://samvak.tripod.com/guide.html Created by: LIDIJA RANGELOVSKA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA C O N T E N T S ... ...lization often stands in inverse proportion to its value and valuation (as measured by an objective, neutral, disinterested party). This is true esp... ...ied to the firms' market capitalization, management strives to maximize the former by manipulating the latter. Very often, the only way to affect t... ...e and certain economies. But the discount rate depends on the inflation rate in the country where the firm is located (or, if a multinational, in al... ...nt. In certain places, additional factors must be taken into account (for example: country risk or foreign exchange risks). The supply of a stock ... ... of the firm to obtain its value. It depends on the industry (growth or dying), the country (stable or geopolitically perilous), on the ownership s... ...objectively quantify or formulate this process of analysis and decision making. In telecommunications, the range of numbers used for valuing stocks... ...ed to the needs of traders and speculators, businessmen and middlemen. Advances in telecommunications and transportation followed inexorably. The c...

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