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The Treason and Death of Benedict Arnold; A Play for a Greek Theatre

By: John Jay Chapman

...ecipitous valley, [45 I TREASON AND DEATH And ye threatening towers of stone that hold back the mountains, Letting the dark stream pass; Storm ... .... - [Pause.] You have been grieved, and wear the ashen look. . Arnold. Age, and the chafing of a few stern thoughts. Mrs. Arnold. Have I not ear... ...he And ever at my cost I've brought him up. nnot leave him out. He is of age elder than your boys. Mrs. Amold. A son of yours - AmId. A natural ... ...ing strand, Can Arnold's tomb be laid. Nor in his land of illusions - I Britain's contemptuous Isle, I I Can stone be added to stone. I I Yet... ... Nor in his land of illusions - I Britain's contemptuous Isle, I I Can stone be added to stone. I I Yet in a corner of Memory, + .:< Hallowed... ... Yet in a corner of Memory, + .:< Hallowed by terrible pain, Stand the stones of his grave, There, his trophies of victory, % Piled in marshal a...

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