Search Results (111 titles)

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Sleight of Tongue Word Games

By: Bev Jaremko

A book on vocabulary.

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Congruente Paradoxiste

By: Florentin Smarandache; Gheorge Niculescu

A sample of idioms in book form.

• Eşti liber să crezi că eşti liber. • Depinde de tine cât de independent vrei să fii. • A ieşit basma curată, deşi era cu musca pe căciulă. • Călăii au fost lăsaţi să judece după cum îi taie capul. • Ortopedului îi plăcea să pună osul la treabă. • Nituitorul avea cam multă bătaie de cap. • Era moartă după cel care tocmai decedase. • După ce moare încrederea şi optimismul, urmează speranţa. • Stăteau spate-n spate şi făceau feţe, feţe. • Lui Nazarie i s-a năzărit că zăreşte ceva în zare. • Eu cu fizica, el cu metafizica şi ea cu fizicul. • Pe unul îl înşelau speranţele, iar pe celălalt îl înşela soţia. • L-am amăgit că mă dezamăgeşte. • Dacă ai fi obligat să numeri până la un miliard, ai ezita să devii miliardar...

Creionări încondeiate .......................................... 5 Distihuri proverbiale .......................................... 49 Poezii paradoxiste .............................................. 69 Dialoguri hazlii .................................................. 77 Dicţionar paradoxist ........................................... 95...

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Frate Cu Meridianele Si Paralelele : Volume 3

By: Florentin Smarandache

Un paradox această carte!... Pentru că, deşi, la prima vedere, nu pare decât o înşiruire de date, localităţi, confesiuni, activităţi „domestice”, transcrieri, dialoguri etc., intrând în cuprinsul său rămâi uimit. Toate acestea adunate în jurul lui Florentin Smarandache, „vagabondul ştiinţific”, cum poate cineva i-a zis, devin dintr-o dată cartea lui de identitate. Devin faţete ale spiritului său nestăpânit şi te invită, parcă, să participăm la jocul său de a cunoaşte lumea şi prin rigurozitatea ştiinţei....

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Estetica Paradoxismului (Beauty Paradoxism)

By: Titu Popescu; Ion Soare, Editor

"Essayist Performance" This book demonstrates that artistic movement paradox lies founded by Romanian Smarandache far from reflecting a crisis of literature, it reconstructs, in an original and attractive. In this sense - appreciate Titu Popescu - movement is "an extension and formal doctrinal orientation destructionist that decade 70 - 80, has dominated American criticism", its source being in antimetaphyisics Nietzsche and Heidegger, in his critique of Freudian psychological identity....

Titu Popescu reuşeşte să deosebească, în concertul policrom şi polifon al literaturii române, apariţia unei noi mişcări: mişcarea paradoxistă. Şi nu numai că o descoperă, dar o şi explică, analizându- i originile şi caracteristicile. Titu Popescu fails to distinguish the multicolored and polyphonic concert of Romanian literature, a new movement: movement paradoxist. And not only reveals, but also explains, analyzing its origins and characteristics....

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Cultural Advantages in China : Tale of Six Cities

By: Fu Yuhua; Florentin Smarandache

It is the purpose of this book to bring these cultural advantages into more focus, in order to bring into light some ‘human’ aspects of the country, and how these can be integrated into the broader context of economics development. At the end of the day, their achievements cannot be measured by economic progress alone, but also how the people can have the proper sense of meaning (i.e. ‘feel’ at home) in their own homeland, instead of being just another ‘bolt’ in the obsolete industrial engine of economics....

Jingshan Park: For an extraordinary and unforgettable view of Beijing and the Forbidden City, casually climb the steps to the top of the hill to the Wanchunting (Wanchun Pavilion), which overlooks this small park, directly opposite the North Gate of the Forbidden City. From this playground of Ming and Qing dynasty emperors for almost 500 years, you will be able to get a grasp on the great city that is China’s capital. On Sunday’s choral groups gather in the park to perform amateur Peking Operas, play musical instruments or to sing songs once beloved by the masses....

Abstract……………3 Foreword……………4 Contents……………6 Chapter 1. Cultural Advantage as an Alternative Framework: An Introduction ‐ by F. Smarandache & V. Christianto……………7 Chapter 2. Beijing: A Cultural Metropolitan – compiled, edited, augmented by Ke Haiying & F. Smarandache…………18 Chapter 3. The City of Hengshui – by Li Zhanbing……………38 Chapter 4. Ningbo — A Culture‐flourishing Land on the Shore of East China Sea – by Lin Rongchen……………53 Chapter 5. Jingdezhen: Porcelain Capital of the World – by Li Xiaomin……………66 Chapter 6. Haimen : Charming City ‐ by Wang Ping & Jiang He……………71 Chapter 7. Changsha: Cultural Name Cards – by Wang Peiyun & Tang Yuming……………82...

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Global Totalitarianism and the Working Animals : Essays, Citations, Extracts, Comments

By: Florentin Smarandache

This so-called “globalization” is called on Internet in the following ways: global totalitarianism, neo-totalitarianism, new world order, global fascist order, neo-fascism, today’s new fascism, semi-colonialism, neocolonialism, global cyber hegemony (global control and manipulation of the Internet), global dictatorship, etc. where a few elites from some power countries try to take over the whole globe, which would become a prison planet. These unscrupulous, immoral, corrupted, genocidal, power-hungry elites will exercise an apartheid policy against the whole world, controlling people’s soul through their totalitarian regulation coercions....

Dark Strategies in Politics. Various ideas, hints, possible methods These ideas are compiled from various readings. They are unethical, immoral, unfair, and devilish. They are unfortunately examples of bad behavior and intentions of some powerful elites and other malignant people. IN CONCLUSION, THIS IS A DO-NOT-DO LIST!... • Corruption, deception, betray to reach your goal; • To take someone’s property; • In nature it doesn’t exist equality, nor liberty; • Real instincts; • Being sincere and honest you loose for sure;...

Preface: The Wolf Dressed in Sheepskin : 4 Global Totalitarianism and the Working Animals: 6 International Injustice in Science, Arts, and Letters: 23 Dark Strategies in Politics: 29 Extracts from Machiavelli’s leading “Prince”: 52 Extracts from Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”: 55 ADDENDA: More References on (Anti)Globalization: 63...

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Hadron Models and Related New Energy Issues

By: Florentin Smarandache; V. Christianto

The present book covers a wide-range of issues from alternative hadron models to their likely implications in New Energy research, including alternative interpretation of low energy reaction (coldfusion) phenomena. While some of these discussions may be found a bit too theoretical, our view is that once these phenomena can be put into rigorous theoretical framework, thereafter more 'openminded' physicists may be more ready to consider these New Energy methods more seriously. Our basic proposition in the present book is that considering these new theoretical insights, one can expect there are new methods to generate New Energy technologies which are clearly within reach of human knowledge in the coming years....

In the preceding article we argue that biquaternionic extension of Klein-Gordon equation has numerical solution with sinusoidal form, which differs appreciably from conventional Yukawa potential. In the present article we interpret and compare this result from the viewpoint of EQPET/TSC model described by Takahashi. Further observation is of course recommended in order to refute or verify this proposition....

Peer-reviewers ii Abstract iii Preface by D. Rapoport iv Contents vi Foreword viii Prologue: Socio-economic impact of New Energy technologies xi Contributors to this volume xiv Short biography of Contributors xv Free energy and Topological Geometrodynamics 1. Nuclear string hypothesis – M. Pitkanen 1 2. The notion of free-energy and many-sheeted Space-Time concept – M. Pitkanen 44 3. Prediction and calculation of New Energy development – Fu Yuhua 111 4. Some unsolved problems in the physics of elementary particle – V. Christianto & F. Smarandache (PiP, vol. 3 no. 4, 2007) 127 5. About some unsolved problems in physics – M. Pitkanen 132 Beyond Standard Model, Unmatter and Yang-Mills Field 6. Bifurcations and pattern formation in particle physics: an introductory study – E. Goldfain (submitted to APS conference, 2008) 151 7. Dynamics of Neutrino oscillations and the Cosmological constant problem – E. Goldfain 168 8. Fractional dynamics and the Standard Model of Elementary particles – E. Goldfain (Comm. In Nonlin. Science and Numerical. Simulation, 2007) 176 9. A new possible form of Matter, Unmatter – formed by parti...

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ИСКУССТВО ЛАЯ : The Art of Wag

By: Florentin Smarandache; Adolf Shvedchikov, Translator

"Искусство лая"-это уникальная книга, дающая ряд советов, как наилучшим образом использовать ваше любимое животное или собаку НА СЛУЖБЕ и в других жизненных ситуаци я х . РЯД таких жемчужин выросли из нашего собственного опыта, другие явнлись следствием наблюдения, ЧТО происходит вокруг нас. Наш последний совет, прежде чем вы начнёте читать эту книгу: а) следуйте этим советам на своИ страх и риск. б>управлять вашей внешней собакой гораздо легче, чем той "собакой ll или зверем, который сидит внутри вас, в) не берите с собой собаку на службу , если вы не до конца уверены, что собака на вашей стороне. собакам. “The Art of Wag” is a unique booklet comprised of advices and possible tips you can use on how to make the best out of your pet/dog in workplace and other situations. Some of these gems come from our own experience, and some come from watching these practices surrounding us. As our last advice before you jump through this book, (a) do these advices at your own risks; (b) managing the dog outside is much easier than managing ‘the dog’ inside yourself; (c) don’t take your dog to workplace/office if you are not con...

-Если вы не ведущая собака ... ТО вам ничего не светит впереди. -Всё возможно, особенно если у вас большой Доберман. -Во время встречи легче отстаивать свою точку зрения, если рядом сидит Доберман. -Гораздо легче убеждать людей с собакой, чем без неё. Есть два способа приучить СОТРУДНИКОВ офиса к присутствию собаки: вначале принеС~lТе маленькую собачку Чао - чао или Далмацию, а уж ПОТОМ при водите боЛЬШОГО Добермана. - Если вы ведёте разговор о продвижении по службе, то делайте это в ПРИСУТСП!iИИ добермана. • If you’re not the lead dog … the view never changes. • All is really possible, especially with a big Doberman. • In a meeting, it’s easier to argue your point with a big Doberman besides you. • It’s more effective to convince people with persuasion and a big dog, rather than with persuasion alone. • There are two types of dog-approach in office: (a) first bring a small and funny dog, like Chihuahua or Dalmatian, (b) then bring a big Doberman. • It’s possible to bring your Doberman when asking for a raise. ...

Предисловие Искусство лая CONTENTS СОДЕРЖАНИЕ 3 ЛаИ в офисе 4 ЛаИ в политике 6 Лай на улице 8 ЛаИ в школе 9 Обращение ко всем кто может внести свою лепту в искусство лая 10...

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The Art of Wag : Awaken the Dog Inside (Caution : Do These At Your Own Risk)

By: Florentin Smarandache; V. Christianto

“The Art of Wag” is a unique booklet comprised of advices and possible tips you can use on how to make the best out of your pet/dog in workplace and other situations. Some of these gems come from our own experience, and some come from watching these practices surrounding us. As our last advice before you jump through this book, (a) do these advices at your own risks; (b) managing the dog outside is much easier than managing ‘the dog’ inside yourself; (c) don’t take your dog to workplace/office if you are not confident enough that your dog is always at your side. ...

• If you’re not the lead dog … the view never changes. • All is really possible, especially with a big Doberman. • In a meeting, it’s easier to argue your point with a big Doberman besides you. • It’s more effective to convince people with persuasion and a big dog, rather than with persuasion alone. • There are two types of dog-approach in office: (a) first bring a small and funny dog, like Chihuahua or Dalmatian, (b) then bring a big Doberman. • It’s possible to bring your Doberman when asking for a raise. ...

Preface 4 The Art of Wag 8 Call for Contributions 16

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DSmT 理论 及其在信息融合中的应用 (文集) (Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion (Collected Works)) : Chinese Edition

By: Florentin Smarandache; Jean Dezert

The Chinese edition of Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion (Collected Works) that explains the Dezert-Smarandache Theory.

作者在近年来 提出的似是而非和自相矛盾推理,DSmT,可以看作是 经典的 DSmT 的扩展,但是它们又存在着重要的差异。比如,DSmT 可以处理由 信度函数表示的任意类型独立信息源间的信息融合问题,但它的重点是处理不确 定、高度冲突和不精确的证据源的融合问题。DSmT 能够不受 DST 框架的限制, 处理复杂的静态或动态融合问题,特别是当信息源间的冲突非常大时,或者是所考 虑问题的框架(一般情况下用Θ表示)由于Θ中命题 之间的界限模糊、不确定、 不精确而很难细分时,DSmT 便发挥了它的优势。...

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Rank Distance Bicodes and Their Generalization

By: Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book has four chapters. In chapter one we just recall the notion of RD codes, MRD codes, circulant rank codes and constant rank codes and describe their properties. In chapter two we introduce few new classes of codes and study some of their properties. In this chapter we introduce the notion of fuzzy RD codes and fuzzy RD bicodes. Rank distance m-codes are introduced in chapter three and the property of m-covering radius is analysed. Chapter four indicates some applications of these new classes of codes....

DEFINITION 1.12: The ‘norm’ of a word v _ VN is defined as the ‘rank’ of v over GF(2) (By considering it as a circulant matrix over GF(2)). We denote the ‘norm’ of v by r(v). We just prove the following theorem. THEOREM 1.2: Suppose ____GF(2N) has the polynomial representation g(x) over GF(2) such that the gcd(g(x), xN +1) has degree N – k, where 0 _ k _ N. Then the ‘norm’ of the word generated by _ is ‘k’. ...


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关于一些 Smarandache 问题的研究 (Research On A Number of Smarandache Problems), Volume 7

By: Huaning Liu; Jing Gao

This book systematically introduces the works obtained by using analytic methods on Smarandache problems, the book includes the basic knowledge of analytic number theory, mean value on some Smarandache sequences, infinite series involving some Smarandache functions, hybrid mean value of divisor function and so on. This book could open up the reader’s perspective, and inspire the reader to these fields....

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Florentin' Cliches : The Dictator Lifts the State of Emergency with a Crane

By: Florentin Smarandache

The Florentin's Cliché should be constructed as follows: - Change the figurative language [figure of speech] of a cliché to a literal language; - Or distort the clichés, make them abnormal, deviate their common sense by simple substitutions of words; - Or eliminate some words from a cliché, or switch the verbs between assertion and negation, in order to give the cliché a surprising new significance: - Or consider a chain of (more or less) contradictory clichés and put together with a unitary semantics; - Or juxtapose a cliché with a … (partial or total) contradictory syntagma! And as a whole the Florentin’s Cliché should be bended with humor. ...

51. To be in the right place at the left time! 52. The German language you learn it’s Greek to me 53. This dirty and shaded homeless saved me like a knight in shinning armor 54. In cold blood but hot under the collar he throws cold water on her to getting hot 55. Do not step on his toes, but on his shoes. 56. I don’t like you. Nice to see you! 57. The director jumped to conclusion from the third floor through the window… ...

Preface: Changing the Figurative Language to a Literal Language: 4 Florentin’s Clichés: 12

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关于Smarandache问题 研究的新进展 (On the Smarandache Problem : New Progress), Volume 6

By: Guo Xiaoyan; Yuan Xia

A book on number theory.

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Smarandache 问题研究 (Smarandache Problems), Volume 1

By: Yi Yuan; Kang Xiaoyu

A book on problems arising with some of Florentin Smarandache's theories.

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Florentin's Lexicon : Experimental Paradoxist Linguistics

By: Florentin Smarandache; V. Christianto, Editor

Eleven linguistic categories are presented (Murphy’s laws, the clichés, homonyms, tautologies, proverbs, metagrams, translations, definitions, figures of paradoxism, monorhymes, and abbreviations), which afterwards are respectively turned into their corresponding Florentin’s Laws, clichés, homonyms, etc. and exemplified....

Let’s Make Experiments in Linguistics (General preface) - 6 1. FLORENTIN’S LAWS If anything can go wrong, pass it on to someone else! - 8 1.1. ADVENTURES and VARIATIONs IN MURPHY’s LAW (Preface) - 9 1.2. What and Why Florentin’s law - 11 1.3. Florentin’s Laws / !An Author to the Cube! - 13 1.3.1. Florentin’s Laws: To hell with Murphy, deviate! - 14 1.3.2. Florentin’s Laws: Relax Peter’s! - 16 1.3.3. Florentin’s Interdisciplinary Laws - 18 1.3.4. More Variations in Florentin’s Law - 20 2. FLORENTIN’S CLICHÉS The dictator lifts the state of emergency with a crane - 22 2.1. Changing the Figurative Language to a Literal Language (Preface) - 23 2.2. Florentin’s Clichés - 28 3. FLORENTIN’S HOMONYMS Send me an e-male - 36 3.1. Preface: Send me an e-male = Florentin’s Homonyms = - 37 3.2. Florentin’s Homonyms - 39 3.2.1. First face of the story (Homophones) - 40 3.2.2. Second face of the story (Homophones) - 42 3.2.3. Multiple faces of the story (Homophones) - 44 3.2.4. Others (Homographs) – 45 4. FLORENTIN’S TAUTOLOGIES - 46 4.1. About Florentin’s Tautologies - 47 5. FLORENTIN’S PROVERBS - 48 5.1. Introduction: Dev...

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Subterrain : Experiences of a Substitute Teacher

By: Beverly Smith

A view on substitute teachers.

Preface Dedication 1 Where's Madame? 2 Yippee- a Sub 3. Getting the Call 4. Sink the Sub 5. What was your name again? 6. The most creative minds on the planet 7. I forgot to tell you 8. Embarrassingly human 9. Revelations 10. More burdens that it is fair to bear 11. Technically a challenge 12. Back-up in a crisis 13. The Detective in Me 14. Where Education Shines 15. Is this the way I want to serve the world? 16. I am Way Old 17. Mistakes, I've made a few 18. Feedback from the Peanut Gallery 19. Humor on a Blah Day 20. Privilege 21. Familiar Face 22. Food is a Bonding Experience 23. Pretty thick molasses and hard to get through 24. Reassurances 25. Surprise in the Exam room - Compassio 26. Why some people hate school, understandably 27. The Second Mile- hey, may as well 28. What Still Needs Perfecting 29. What's Right in the schools 30. The Randomness of it all - 1 31. The Randomness of it all - 2...

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DSm Super Vector Space of Refined Labels : Volume 2

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy; Florentin Smarandache

In this book authors for the first time introduce the notion of supermatrices of refined labels. Authors prove super row matrix of refined labels form a group under addition. However super row matrix of refined labels do not form a group under product; it only forms a semigroup under multiplication. In this book super column matrix of refined labels and m Å~ n matrix of refined labels are introduced and studied. We mainly study this to introduce to super vector space of refined labels using matrices....

THEOREM 1.1.1: Let S = {(a1 a2 a3 | a4 a5 | a6 a7 a8 a9 | … | an-1, an) | ai ∈ R; 1 ≤ i ≤ n} be the collection of all super row vectors with same type of partition, S is a group under addition. Infact S is an abelian group of infinite order under addition. The proof is direct and hence left as an exercise to the reader. If the field of reals R in Theorem 1.1.1 is replaced by Q the field of rationals or Z the integers or by the modulo integers Zn, n < ∞ still the conclusion of the theorem 1.1.1 is true. Further the same conclusion holds good if the partitions are changed. S contains only same type of partition. However in case of Zn, S becomes a finite commutative group....

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N-Linear Algebra of Type 2

By: Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book has three chapters. In the first chapter the notion of n-vector spaces of type II are introduced. This chapter gives over 50 theorems. Chapter two introduces the notion of n-inner product vector spaces of type II, n-bilinear forms and n-linear functionals. The final chapter suggests over a hundred problems. It is important that the reader should be well versed with not only linear algebra but also n-linear algebras of type I....

In this chapter we for the first time introduce the notion of n-vector space of type II. These n-vector spaces of type II are different from the n-vector spaces of type I because the n-vector spaces of type I are defined over a field F where as the n-vector spaces of type II are defined over n-fields. Some properties enjoyed by n-vector spaces of type II cannot be enjoyed by n-vector spaces of type I. To this; we for the sake of completeness just recall the definition of n-fields in section one and n-vector spaces of type II are defined in section two and some important properties are enumerated....

Preface 5 Chapter One n-VECTOR SPACES OF TYPE II AND THEIR PROPERTIES 7 1.1 n-fields 7 1.2 n-vector Spaces of Type II 10 Chapter Two n-INNER PRODUCT SPACES OF TYPE II 161 Chapter Three SUGGESTED PROBLEMS 195 FURTHER READING 221 INDEX 225 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 229...

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Algebraic Structures Using Super Interval Matrices

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy; Florentin Smarandache

In this book authors for the first time introduce the notion of super interval matrices using the special intervals of the form [0, a], a belongs to Z+ ∪ {0} or Zn or Q+ ∪ {0} or R+ ∪ {0}....

SUPER INTERVAL SEMILINEAR ALGEBRAS In this chapter we for the first time introduce the notion of semilinear algebra of super interval matrices over semifields of type I (super semilinear algebra of type I) and semilinear algebra of super interval matrices over interval semifields of type II (super semilinear algebra of type II) and study their properties and illustrate them with examples. DEFINITION 4.1: Let V be a semivector space of super interval matrices defined over the semifield S of type I. If on V we for every pair of elements x, y ∈ V; x . y is in V where ‘.’ is the product defined on V, then we call V a semilinear algebra of super interval matrices over the semifield S of type I. We will illustrate this situation by some examples. Example 4.1: Let V = {([0, a1] [0, a2] | [0, a3] [0, a4] | [0, a5] [0, a6] | [0,a7]) | ai ∪ Z+ ∪ {0}; 1 ≤ i ≤ 7} be a semivector space of super interval matrices defined over the semifield S = Z+ ∪ {0} of type I. Consider x = ([0, 5] [0, 3] | [0, 9] [0, 1] [0, 2] [0, 8] | [0, 6]) and y =([0, 1] [0, 2] | [0, 3] [0, 5] [0, 3] [0, 1] | [0, 5]) in V. We define the product ‘.’ on V as x.y =...


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