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English (X) PDF (eBook) (X) Victoria Institutions (X) Higher Science (X)

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Codes of Reality! What is language?

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Higher Science!

...................... Now, compare this same scenario to that of a man. Whatever he is doing is actually something wherein a particular set of codes or lines of program are being utilised or created. When he bends, turns to the right, picks up something, and all else, actually some program line or code is being written; I do not know where. It, most probably is not in the same world that we exist in; but in some other ‘cyber’ world, where everything gets encoded and stored. It may be noted that the codes that I am speaking of here is not the software on which the brain is working; but of something which is beyond the software used in the brain; so that even this software used in the brain is actually a creation of the other one, that I speak of. Now we have reached a premise, wherein the proposition gets connected to what one may call ‘lines of destiny’ or what in Indian languages is called ‘writings on the head’. Yet, what I proposed may not be entirely lines that foretell destiny; it may be simply that whatever we are doing can be seen in another arena in terms of lines of codes; I do not know what language, or what type of s...

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Software Codes of Reality, Life and Languages! : How I Worked Out the Idea Starting from Zero

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

I started writing this topic on an experimental basis in around 2005. There were a lot of unconnected strings of thoughts in my mind, which did connect to an idea that there is some kind of inner code links that exist behind our physical reality. Moreover, I had been making solitary researches and observations on the codes in languages, right since my childhood. This also seemed to connect heavily with the physical world. If fact, in my book: March of the Evil Empires; English versus the Feudal Languages, I did hint at this connection in the last chapter. Later my thought processes went on to connect even to an idea that human body and life processes were all connected to some codes. In later years, I was to observe the efficacy of homeopathy, which I discerned as the medical side of this understanding. For, I had more or less predicted in my mind that if the human body was controlled and designed by a software code, then there should be a medical system that can rectify human body errors through a software approach. I am making my earlier writings into a book. This is that book. However, this book is not the fi...

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