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Theory of the Person

By: Antonio Mercurio

...NTHROPOLOGY By Antonio Mercurio Editions Solaris Institute of SOPHIA UNIVERSITY OF ROME Creative Commons Licence - Attribution-... ...censor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial pur... ...ian by Martha S. Bache-Wiig, authorized by the author. 2 Table of Contents CHAPTER I: THE EMERGENCE OF THE PERSON ...... ...ay has to do with the fact that our joy of living is taken away from us as early as during intrauterine life. The fact that today the masses no longe... ...hout the millennia from all the various cultures, the Egyptians, Jews, the Christians, the Catholics – is really none other than, as Feuerbach says,... ...mother, that we carry within ourselves. This does not crush us. This inner persecution can win only if it finds a correspondence within our unconsci... ...ner persecutor. Didn’t the partisans have to fight against a real external persecution when they were fighting against the Fascists? They managed to...

...Do we really know what meaning to give to the term PERSON? In this book, the author proposes, through an in depth dialog with the students of the S.U.R. (Sophia University of Rome), the following answer: a PERSON is a spiritual, unifying principle that is endowed with its own freedom and its own identity, it is an end unto itself and unto no other, and its const...

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