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Most Popular Books in China (X) Sociedad Mexicana de Criminología capítulo Nuevo León, A.C. (X) Non Fiction (X)

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El Escuadrón Suicida de la Criminología : Innovación etnográfica en contextos de ocio nocturno. Casos Magaluf y “raves”, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Innovación etnográfica en contextos de ocio nocturno. Casos Magaluf y “raves”

By: Dr. Lic. Antonio Silva Esquinas; Jorge Ramiro Pérez Suárez

This article offers an analysis of innovative new ethnographic methods which have come about in recent times during our research studies. We start by contextualizing the state of ethnographic research in Spain, with a focus on its usage by Spanish Criminologists before discussing “instant ethnography” and “auto-ethnography”. Lastly, we use field notes from our ethnographic studies on youth nightlife environments in Magaluf – a touristic zone famous for its party atmosphere - and at various Spanish raves and discuss the advantages and limitations of these particular tools....

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En la Ciudad del Positivismo Perdido : Lecciones aprendidas para una criminología urbana, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Lecciones aprendidas para una criminología urbana

By: Lic. Dr. Jorge Ramiro Pérez Suárez; Antonio Silva Esquinas

In the present paper we make an approach to understanding how post-positivism, liquidity and capitalism have affected through its neoliberal current the schools of thought in Social Sciences and their research methods. This approach is based on three distinctive realities such as: the phenomena of political refugees, the homeless and cyberporn so that we can observe the current limitations in research matters in relation to certain phenomenologies and we will propose the tackling of said issues by using a more urban criminology and mixed methods....

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Hallazgos Neurobiológicos Recientes de la Pedofilia : Recent neurobiological findings of pedophilia, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Recent neurobiological findings of pedophilia

By: Lic. Hugo Sánchez Hernández

Pedophilia is rarely considered as a research target. The focus on some of the recent theories of the etiology of pedophilia such as neurodevelopment or alterations of brain structures and their function as the frontal, temporal and limbic cortex that have been proposed to try to understand the alterations in the development and neurobiology of the pedophile patient....

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Análisis e Implicancias del Diseño Constitucional de la Justicia de las Comunidades Nativas y Campesinas y su Relación con la Justicia Ordinaria: : El caso peruano, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: El caso peruano

By: Dr. Gino Rios Patio

Analysis and implications of the constitutional design of the justice of the native and campesinas communities and its relationship with ordinary justice: The peruvian case Justice in its legal configuration, specifically criminal, is a cultural product that should not be distanced from its ethical justification, due to its anthropological character, which entails the most felt aspiration of equity that has the person and the community. The political constitution of a multiethnic and multicultural state, such as Peru, recognizes the jurisdiction of the native and peasant communities, as a special jurisdiction, which integrates it into ordinary jurisdiction, just as civil, labor, Of family, commercial, criminal, among other specialties, although that jurisdiction has the philosophical, anthropological, sociological and historical bases necessary to be considered a jurisdiction of exception, as it is the case of the military and arbitral jurisdictions, both for respective reasons Sui géneris. In the consequent coordination between the ordinary jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of the native and peasant communities, it appears an a...

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Política victimal, frente a la construcción social del miedo e inseguridad en el estado de México en 2017 : Victimal politics, against the social construction of fear and insecurity in the state of Mexico in 2017, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Victimal politics, against the social construction of fear and insecurity in the state of Mexico in 2017

By: Susana Gabriela Gaytan Najera

The present investigation has as purpose to develop a victimological policy, directed to the population, of the Municipality of Metepec, State of Mexico, part of three postulates as they are the social construction of the fear, the social imaginary and the social action before the victimals actions. The research emphasizes five areas, among them the first refers to the methodological section, the second indicates the theme on Victimology, as an auxiliary discipline of Criminology, while the next section allows to give an argument about symbolic interactionism, to generate the opening to a third section that constitutes insecurity and its relation to fear, finally the criminological policy is exposed with a focus on a victim policy in consideration of the results obtained from the investigation....

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Bienvenida del Presidente de la SOMECRIMNL al Volumen XI : Welcome of the SOMECRIMNL’s president for the volume XI, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Welcome of the SOMECRIMNL’s president for the volume XI

By: Dr. Gil David Hernández Castillo

Welcome note from the President of the Sociedad Mexicana de Criminología in Año 6, vol. XI agosto-diciembre 2018 of Archivos de Criminología, Seguridad Privada y Criminalística ...

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Nacimiento, Sistematización y Evolución de las Criminologías Específicas en México : Origin, systematization and evolution of the specific criminologies in Mexico, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Origin, systematization and evolution of the specific criminologies in Mexico

By: Lic. Dr. Wael Hikal; Roberto Alonso Ramos Erosa

This paper it’s focuses on highlighting the importance of specializing the criminology in Mexico. It is taken as a reference to the specifics criminologies that have been developed in EUA, Europe and other regions, compared to those developed in the Mexican and latinamerican bibliography. The objective is to highlight the importance and need to create terms and conceptualize areas of specialized studies in criminology. So that, the professionals have better tools of knowledge and make progress in the intervention with the phenomena of the criminality. Given the great contrast that exists in Mexico on the theoretical evolution of criminology with other countries of North America, Europe and Asia....

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Un Acercamiento a la Especialización de la Criminología : An aproach to the specialization of criminology, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: An aproach to the specialization of criminology

By: Lic. Cristian Díaz Sandoval

We are at a crucial time for criminology, where its famous stalemate may remain in the past to start a revolution not seen until now in all Latin America, where the old customs will be left behind to be replaced by new methods, techniques, knowledge that will bring with them the thesis of specific criminologies. This text presents a brief approach to the importance of these as fields of applied scientific research, from which the appropriate tools for the development of science will be obtained....

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Archivos de Criminología, Seguridad Privada y Criminalística : Tabla de contenido, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Tabla de contenido

By: Sociedad Mexicana de Criminología capítulo Nuevo León, A.C., Compiler

Archivos de Criminología, Seguridad Privada y Criminalística Año 6, vol. XI agosto-diciembre 2018 - Tabla de Contenido (Table of Contents)

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Rasgo antisocial y afecto positivo y negativo en población penitenciaria de México : Antisocial trait and positive and negative affect in the penitentiary population of Mexico, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Antisocial trait and positive and negative affect in the penitentiary population of Mexico

By: Lic. Dr. Ferrán Padrós Blázquez; Víctor Edgar Soria Benítez

The objective of this article is to study the relationship between the symptomatology of Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) and the levels of positive and negative affect in Mexican inmates. A sample of 65 male inmates was used, subsequently divided into 2 subsamples, one composed of 28 participants with probable ASPD and the other of 37, composed of inmates with high probabilities of not meeting the ASPD criteria. The diagnosis of ASPD was estimated based on the Aluja ETAPA scale, which assesses the presence of ASPD symptomatology, positive and negative affect was evaluated using the PANAS scales. Significant correlations were found between the ETAPA score and positive affect (low and negative) and negative affect (moderate and positive). In addition, inmates with probable ASPD showed a higher level of negative affect and less positive affect than the group with probable non-ASPD. The results obtained coincide partially with what was found in previous studies where psychopathy was evaluated. The present study supposes a first approximation on the relation between the positive and negative affects and the ASPD in Mexico....

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Victimología de la Mujer Puertorriqueña : La población femenil víctima de violencia doméstica y la culpa psicosociopatológica en el patrón victimal del agresor, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: La población femenil víctima de violencia doméstica y la culpa psicosociopatológica en el patrón victimal del agresor

By: Mtra. Gloriam Said Mercado Justiniano

El siguiente trabajo investigativo está dedicado a ilustrar la Victimología Femenil desde una perspectiva colaborativa con mis nuevos estudios en Trabajo Social Clínico. El campo del Trabajo Social Clínico ha despertado en mí una mujer sustancialmente científica y comprometida con todo estudio que predomina en el campo Social sin perder de vista la Criminología. Por algo, quiero preparar a todos los lectores, estudiosos de la Justicia Criminal, Criminología, Derecho y profesionales en los distinguidos campos, que a continuación serán testigos de un artículo que presenta una fusión terminológica e idealista que conllevan a una misma finalidad. En este caso, se ha integrado ejemplos de actitudes sociolingüísticas del Trabajo Social que no son otra cosa que verbalizaciones, ideologías y juicios valorativos construidos socialmente que debemos de aprender a deconstruir como seres humanos como parte del ejercicio de la prevención de la violencia que nos ahoga socioculturalmente. Por otro lado, se hace cita a las fuentes más fundamentales del Derecho Probatorio y Procesal de Puerto Rico, tales como: la Constitución del Estado Libre Asoci...

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