Search Results (22 titles)

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Arnold Schwarzenegger : Wie alles begann, Österreich Band 5

By: Rudolf J. Strutz

Umfangreicher Bildband über die Anfänge von Arnold Schwarzenegger. Die Stationen von Graz über München, Stuttgart nach London werden ausführlich dokumentiert. Neben den Stätten an denen Arnold Schwarzenegger trainierte, wird auch über sein Engagement bei Special Olympics berichtet. Alle Gemälde des Arnie Malers Helmut Gombocz befinden sich ebenfalls in diesem Bildband....

Über der Tür von Wags Fitnesscenter stand "Here we build men" (Hier werden Männer gemacht) und "Quitters NEVER Win.. Winners never quit!" (Drückeberger gewinnen nie... Gewinner geben nie auf!) - nach diesem Wahlspruch verlief die Karriere von Arnold Schwarzenegger.........

Thal bei Graz Der erste Trainer Graz Stuttgart München London Special Olympics Wanderwege Museum Thal Museum Hotel Paradies Der Arnie-Maler ...

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Catálogo de la Primera Exposicón del Taller Libre de Dibujo D.F.

By: Manolo Garibay; Taller Libre Dibujo D.F.

El taller libre de dibujo surge en 2011 como una necesidad de hacer un círculo de trabajo enfocado en el dibujo al natural y consiste en un grupo de dibujantes entorno a una modelo . El taller es libre y no tiene un programa definido, entre los participantes se acuerdan las poses de la modelo y la duración. Uno de las éxitos del taller radica en la constancia. El dibujo es un disciplina que incluye una compleja calibración de la mirada, que solo se puede dar por medio de la experiencia. Entonces la periodicidad semanal y por lo menos las tres horas por sesión se vuelven aspectos fundamentales para la continuidad del proyecto. En este catalogo se muestran las obras producidas exclusivamente en el taller por 11 dibujantes a lo largo de varias sesiones. Me parece considerable que bajo los mismos parámetros, resulten soluciones, y percepciones tan versátiles; el taller libre de dibujo, respalda por la diversidad y la libertad. ARTISTAS PARTICIPANTES CARLOS CASTILLO JACOB JIMÉNEZ LECHUGA MANOLO GARIBAY TSUNE OROZCO LILIANA ANG JESSICA HERNÁNDEZ RAÚL RAMÍREZ MAURICIO NOYOLA ROBERTO RAMOS R.ALEJANDRO LUNA RAMONC...


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Kumkumam Vithariya Vazhikal : Collection of Short Stories

By: Harikumar Edasseri

The collection contains the author’s well-known stories Kumkumam Vithariya Vazhikal, Prakrithanaya Thottakkaran, Thimarpur, Maniyarayilninnu Odippoyavar. The story Maniyarayilninnu Odippoyavar is about a couple plotting to run away on their wedding day. It could be a dream, dreamt by both the bride and the groom, but that haunts them throughout their life. He leaves his wife for delivery after 7 months at her home and leaves for Delhi which is 2000 kms away. On reaching home he finds the sari lying on their bed, and remembers the dream dreamt together....

A closed door came to her memory. She realized the turmoil that was brewing in her mind, but hardly knew that it had started some time now. The flowers that were kept in a flower vase were hostile to her. She remembered the loneliness in the evenings when, after leaving all her friends waiting alone for the bus . Her heart swelled with a whimper, and in a moment she could not control her sobs. She kept her face down on the pillow and started sobbing violently. The soothing words of her father or mother’s question as to what happened did not help her. So great was her loss. (Kumkumam Vithariya Vazhikal)...

Stories: Kumkumam Vithariya Vazhikal Malakalude Sangeetham Prakrithanaya Thottakkaran Aswasam Thedi Thimarpur Eiswarathilekku Veendum Mattoru Thottakkaran Chumaril Chithramayimariya Achhan Yathra Parayathe Poyaval Kadalkkarayil Oru Pakshikkaran Maniyarayilninnu Odippoyavar...

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Wild Habits of Reluctance

By: Lawrence Cottrell

...A cycle of poems of yes and no, rumors of life dancing on this islet sphere riding the blind career of outward motion. These rhymes are threnodies and hosannas among nurseries and crypts, hummings to fright hants habiting dingy trails through a wilderness, attempts to stay awhile this side the lichgate by becoming a gossip for the ineffable. They are a literary aesthetic concerning the quicksilver bric-a-brac on the shelves of this what-not of becoming, a naming of smoke, a grasping at echoes, that I might hide in posterity's pocket another day, another night, beyond the terrible hunger of the past's insatiable forgetting. They are wild habits of reluctance. ...

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Koorakal : Collection of Short Stories

By: Harikumar Edasseri

The story Koorakal is about a middle class family. A wife, husband and two children. The unwilling wife is forced to terminate her third pregnancy much to her wishes, since their financial background does not allow them to have one more child. She is in a dilemma, and finally had to give in....

It’s the conscience that troubles me, she thought. I now have a guilty conscience. But it has got to be done. There is no other go. These days you have to live, and live happily too, for which, at least, you have to pay a deaf ear to this beat of the wings. You will be happy tomorrow when memory of this nightmare ceases to haunt you. We should bring our children back, she thought. I am missing them very much. Fifteen days seemed longer, and I can’t stand this solitude any more. I should have them around me. .........She overslept, and when woke up sunray crept into the room. On the floor she saw the dead cockroaches, hundreds of them lying on their back. She thought of the crumbled leaves which fall dry in the cold winter mornings from trees in her native home, and of her mother who passed away years back, and of her children, and of the tiny particle of life brewing in her womb, which was deprived of its right to exist, and she was sad. (Koorakal)...

Stories: Koorakal Unakkamarangal Parunthukal Vattomchuttumbol Sisiram Iruttilude Mazhayulla Oru Rathriyil Kariyaduppu Iruttinte Makal Madhuvidhu Njan Ninnil Ninakkuvendi Vellakkuthirayude Rajakumaran Daivam Jnjaniyavunnu...

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On Diet and a Healthy Life by Dr. Johannes Liu

By: Dr. Johannes Liu

Methods of dealing with diet, health, pain, overweight, fatigue, etc., based on the methodology of Chinese traditional herbal medicine.

"Most of us do not understand the causes of pain, which are complex. The Chinese herbalists can explain the causes." "Obesity is a new word. Obesity is more than overweight alone. It relates to sugar imbalance and is a warning of other undetected diseases. Obesity is a measure of the malfunction and imbalance of internal organs."...

ON DIET AND A HEALTHY LIFE by Dr. Johannes Liu Table of Contents Chapter 1 ON DIET AND A HEALTHY LIFE................................................1-1 Physical Characteristics of Human Being ............................................1-1 Diet ...............................................................................1-1 Geophysical ........................................................................1-2 Characteristics of Yang Heat, Yin Heat and Hidden heat .............................1-3 Reality of Health, and "Kidney" ....................................................1-4 Chapter 2 On "Chi" .................................................................2-1 We face the "imbalance" of "kidney" ................................................2-1 The Effects of "Chi" or "kidney' ...................................................2-1 Strengthen the "Chi" ...............................................................2-2 Acupressure lllustration ...........................................................2-2 Chapter 3 On Pain ..................................................................3-1 Six Related Cau...

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Gol-Gol Games - The Trainer's Guide : A Game of Drawing Circles - The guide for parents/ teachers/ facilitators, Volume 1

By: Surajit Basu; Manjushree Nanda

While your child will enjoy doing Gol-Gol Games, you as the parent/ teacher/ facilitator may need to figure out how to guide your child through Gol-Gol Games, or play the game with your child. This is a useful companion book to Gol-Gol Games Volume 1, designed to help you guide the child, while both of you have fun....

We are trying to use the “Socratic” method, as in asking questions and letting children think about the answers. We suggest you allow children to think and write the answers. Try not to draw either the objects or the circles for the child. Try to avoid suggesting techniques and methods of thinking. Children can develop their own ways of thinking. Less help in finding answers is a good thing for children! It makes them think. More time in finding answers is a very good thing for children! It makes them think without pressure. Read a book while the child draws. Relax....

The role of the guide Suggested solutions for words and circles Suggested solutions for adding circles

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Gol-Gol Games : A Game of Drawing Circles, Volume 1

By: Surajit Basu; Manjushree Nanda

Gol-Gol Games introduces you and your parents to a game of drawing circles, a game for all ages. We try to make it interesting and fun and challenging....

Get something to draw: A board and pieces of chalk, OR Paper, pencils and erasers In this game, you have to draw circles. You have to draw circles around things of the same type. Not a purr-fect circle that your art teacher will say “wow!” to; badly twisted circles are also okay. Let's play; it will be easy to explain....

Circles around things Words and circles Adding things in circles

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The Tale of Lam-Ang and the Fire Giant

By: Mrs. Grace Caligtan, Compiler

Completed through panagtitinolong (Ilocano for collective heroism, or bayanihan in Tagalog), this eBook was co-created by students and adults who learned and discussed the ways in which any large task can be completed with the unity of many. Students from Kalihi Uka Elementary's Reading and Art Club read this story out loud and drew pictures of scenes in the book. Some of these children's art works have been incorporated as illustrations for this eBook....

The reader takes a journey with Lam-Ang to learn, honor and work with everyone’s unique gifts to achieve a common goal.

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The Book of Mormon : Colorfully Illustrated

By: Jr. Joseph Smith; Steve Nelson, Compiler

‘The Book of Mormon~ Colorfully Illustrated’ This is truly a Wonderful book. This is an -All New- recreation, based on Joseph Smith’s original work. This book was written for Our times Today! Everyone on earth is invited to download this Free ebook. This record is a religious based historical account of ancient civilizations in the Americas. Today’s Native Americans are their descendants, and are of the house of Israel. Native Americans and our Jewish friends are especially invited to download this free ebook. You will find in these pages the full spectrum of human emotion, along with a good deal of Action and Adventure, and the collected Wisdom of ancient civilizations that once existed here. All produced for you in young Joseph Smith’s simple country boy style of English. I personally find his simple English quite charming. This Free volume has been transcribed painstakingly word for word in exacting detail, as best as humanly possible, from a first printing reproduction of young Joseph Smith’s original words. Thousands of antique printing press typesetting errors have been removed. Yes, all of young Joseph’s original words ...

Young Nephi, with the help of his brothers, builds his ship: (Excerpt) And it came to pass that they did worship the Lord, and did go forth with me; and we did work timbers of curious workmanship. And the Lord did shew me from time to time, after what manner I should work the timbers of the ship. Now I, Nephi, did not work the timbers after the manner which was learned by men, neither did I build the ship after the manner of men; but I did build it after the manner which the Lord had shewn unto me; wherefore, it was not after the manner of men. And I, Nephi, did go into the mount oft, and I did pray oft unto the Lord; wherefore, the Lord shewed unto me great things. And it came to pass that after I had finished the ship according to the word of the Lord, my brethren beheld that it was good, and that the workmanship thereof was exceeding fine; wherefore, they did humble themselves again before the Lord. And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came unto my father, that we should arise and go down into the ship.- And it came to pass that on the morrow, after that we had prepared all things, much fruits and meat from t...

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Song of Songs of Solomon: A Poetic Interpretation

By: Lindsay Falvey, Ph.D.

The Song of Songs [of Solomon] (שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים Šîr haŠîrîm, ᾎσμα ᾎσμάτων Aisma Aismatōn, Cantĭcum Canticōrum) is a poetic courtship that moves from enchantment to consummation. Devoid of religiosity, it has traditionally been understood as metaphor for the relationship of the soul with the Divine – of God with Israel – of Christ with the Church – of Christ with the human soul – or humanistically, as a metaphor for psychological integrity. In his 12th century sermon, ‘On the Title of the Book: The Song of Songs’, St. Bernard of Clairvaux’s meditative reading followed the book of Ecclesiastes, which teaches ‘how to … have done with the false promise of this world’, and the book of Proverbs that enlightens ‘your life and your conduct’. He called these two preliminary books antidotes to the two enemies of the soul – ‘misguided love of the world and an excessive love of self’, and he observed that only ‘the mind disciplined by persevering study’ is made ‘ripe … for nuptial union with the divine partner’. His spiritual marriage between the heavenly Bridegroom and the human bride occurs when the two become one, and that one is the ...

A wise man once set down in song, beauty that in nature rests, for which all hearts forever long like dreams deep in maidens’ breasts : The young woman: “My man, your kiss is my mantle your musk clothes me with alarm, allows my guard be more gentle. Oh, who could resist such charm! Oh, let’s elope to foreign parts, and reveal to me your realm; there let us practice lovers’ arts for we’ll both be overwhelmed. Yes, no one could resist such charm! Sisters of our sober town, You see my skin so sunned from farm, its like a richly gilded gown – a noble robe gifting my hue. Though born beyond your boudoir, underneath I’m the same as you. Why look down on my colour, ...


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The Astro-Archaeology of Stonehenge

By: George Curtis

Describing a novel way of drawing the ground plan of Stonehenge with the peg and string method, revealing previously unknown relationships.

Stonehenge is a supposedly Neolithic monument located on Salisbury plain in Southern England. A study of the monument ground-plan raises a number of questions that are not answered by existing science. Questions such as: - ‘How could primitive men subdivide a circle into 56 equal parts?’ The questions are not answered with the keys provided by science. We need a ‘dumb-key’ to resolve the problems and answer the questions. The dumb-key is found by asking ourselves what geometric drawing implements did the builders have? They must have marked the ground with some kind of plan or they would not have known where to dig the holes to place the stones. The only geometric implements they would have had access to would be the basic ones that men living in the wild might find in the environment. They would no doubt have a long straight pole or stick to use as a measure, and sharpened pegs to scratch lines in the turf, or to drive into the ground to mark places. They would have rope, or the ancient equivalent, made out of twisted fibres or knotted hide thongs. Pulled tight these would provide a straight line, which could be marked on the...

Acknowledgements………………………………………..…..4 Introduction………………………………………………..……..5 Drawing the Ground-Plan………………………….…………6 Outer Monument…………………………………………………7 Inner Monument……………………………………………….19 Astro-Archaeology…………………………………………….26 Summary of Astronomy…………………….………………29 Graphs ………………………..……………….27 & 28, 31& 34 Tables 1,2,3…………………………………………….37,38,39 Exercise with Px……………………………………….………40 Printable Graphs………………………………………..42 & 43 ...

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Exploring, Exploiting

By: Manohar Asija

This novel is based on the plot that describes the life of a young lady having worked as Assistant Professor at the University level. These days, she is engaged by a Trust, interested in promoting `mental illumination through peace of mind and self-confidence. She is going places to deliver lectures, keep in mind the aims of the organization as well as the composition of the audiences. In fact, since her infancy she is on the move from one part of India to another, even having no idea of the identity of the couple who parented her. Having been reared up by a domestic maid, she was obliged to inherit this type of job to earn for her livelihood. The onset of puberty in the proximity of unrelated men was to be withstood with caution and care for her chastity. These tours of lecturing around, once make her find a known lady in her audience in Delhi. This incident opens her the way to meet many people in this big city and take her to the person who fathered her. Here, she also gets the truthful information about her mother....

Dear Madhu Ji, On my way back home I recapitulated, as my routine exercise, the discussions at the Coffee House. Can you recall the reaction of Mr Malik to Lal's outburst against the final outcome of Dhananjay Chakrovarty's legal battle to ward off the Capital punishment pronounced on him for rape and murder of a minor girl, when he himself was just 21 years? ……………..." I suppose Mr. Malik came out with some amusing retort, which made almost the entire group at the table giggle and I could not make out anything but only observe Mr. Malik move towards the toilets. Respected Sir, I clearly heard your `Guruji`, I mean Mr Malik, murmur aloud, “Is there any punishment available to your civilized society to punish an errant woman who voluntarily and actively seduces and commits rape on an innocent, uninitiated and in the prime of his youth?” “Do you mean a rape amongst a Lesbian fraternity?” Mr. Lal Singh speaks out smilingly. Mr. Malik simply hung his head down and spoke in his normal pitch, “I mean, on a companion belonging to the opposite sex.” Having uttered these words Guruji peacefully got up and moved in a gentle pace towards pu...

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God's Blueprint of the Holy Bible : Volume 1

By: Felix Wantang

You must truly love Jesus Christ to read this book. This is not another Christian book in the market. If you don’t believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, collectively known as the Holy Trinity, then you shouldn’t read this book. When God created everything, it was a manifestation of the blueprint of His divine plan from His Creative Library. Out of that plan came humanity, the Holy Bible, and Salvation through Jesus Christ. Out of that plan God will also surprisingly unleash the End of the Age which is a lot closer than you think. God’s blueprint encapsulated in His son Jesus Christ has never been disclosed to humanity; but as we move closer to the End of the Age, Jesus Christ has decided for the first time in human history to unveil God’s Supernatural Blueprint for Humanity to those who truly love him. The blueprint also contains the step-by-step divine process that leads to the End of the Age. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:1...

The Origin of God From time immemorial, the relentless search for the origins of Biblical truth has persistently trapped humanity in an endless loop. Bible critics have come up with all sorts of theories to refute Biblical truth. The most notorious claim is that Jesus Christ was married and even had children. If there is any element of truth in this claim, then that will practically make the Holy Bible completely false. If the Bible is not the truth, then God obviously doesn’t exist. On the other hand, the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the image and son of God Himself. “Jesus answered: ‘Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?” John 14:9. In every scientific research in human history, you cannot prove a theory without a traceable origin. For example, we cannot scientifically trace the origin of a new life on earth beyond the point of male and female unification. The fact that the world cannot trace the origin of God makes such scientific theories regarding Jesus Christ less reliable than a fairy tale. Biblic...

CONTENTS My prayer vii Prayer request ix Acknowledgement x Introduction xii Chapter 1: The Conception of Life 2 The Birth of Sinful Humanity 2 The Origin of God 11 God’s Creative Library 13 The Birth of God’s Image 18 Do you love God? 26 The Baptism of the World 29 Salvation 36 Chapter 2: The Sinful Trinity 41 The Call of Abraham 41 Why Isaac did not live in Egypt 59 Why Ishmael was sent Away 66 Chapter 3: Supernatural Treaty 70 The Holy Trinity Envoy 70 Blueprint of the End of the Age 74 Why God Changed Jacob’s Name 77 The Path of Salvation 79 Supernatural Soul Mate 81 Chapter 4: The Supernatural Manifestation 93 Jacob and Israel 93 The Manifestation of the Cross 98 The Manifestation of the Sinful Trinity 104 Laban, Sin, and Jacob 110 The Manifestation of Slavery 112 Chapter 5: Supernatural Identity 123 The Identity of Jesus Christ 123 The Call of Moses 132 The New Egypt 134 Congratulations! 139 My Dream 139 About the Author 140 Other Books by Felix Wantang 141 Value Index 142 ...

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The Life(s) of I' 'Me' 'You' 'Us' Book 1 : The Rise of Consciousness

By: Tom Dobbie

How consciousness can become part of all of life,

nearly every atom in your body is exchanged every month only your bones take longer and are new almost yearly that’s why you eat so much every birthday you have an entirely different body - so, who are you ? - your essence existed before you your affects exist all around you who you are in essence and what you did and what you do are eternal...

Item Title 1 Introduction 2 Index Poem1 Already Damned Poem2 Can You Imagine Poem3 The Joy Of Poem4 Fear Is A Prison Poem5 Truth and Illusions. Poem6 Critical Eyes Poem7 Our Poetry Poem8 The Trouble With Silence Poem9 Empty Room Poem10 Freedom Poem11 What Am I Tomorrow Poem12 The Bottom Of Things Poem13 The Painful Way To Enlightenment Poem14 Ripples and Echoes Poem15 Phase 1 Poem16 God Is Eccentric Poem17 Friends Poem18 Comfort Poem19 Comfort Too Poem20 Today Poem21 The Light Poem22 Working Poem23 Welcome You Poem24 Coffee Poem25 Words Poem26 ...

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Towards an Old Architecture

By: Ms. Natalya Nikolaeva

This article seeks to illuminate a commandeering of a design philosophy to serve capitalist property development. It is proposed to contrast various world renowned projects to their Constructivist forerunners highlighting the abandonment of the movement's social ideals for stylistic icon creation. Turning a social philosophy into a capitalist marketing strategy. I believe that little or no attention is being paid to the hallow misappropriation of revolutionary ideas by leading architects....

About a year ago, the Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) in Chicago selected the Interlace, a luxury housing development in Singapore designed by the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), as the inaugural winner of its Urban Habitat Award. The development was cited by the jury for breaking down the preconception of stand-alone icons, for creating a ‘topographical phenomenon’ and was hailed for creatively realizing the model of a ‘tower as a park.’ The Interlace is undoubtedly an impressive structure, however this accomplishment clearly owes much to Constructivist architects whose work was achieved nearly a century earlier and was imbued with social and political philosophy which stands in sharp relief against the vapid commercialist structures aping the design vocabulary of Constructivist architecture....

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Orwell's Warning : The Greatest Amerikan Paradox

By: Erik Blaire

In his classic, 1984, George Orwell selected certain features of his society as a basic skeleton, then fleshed political fiction over the bones. Many parallels between 1984 and the modern world have long been recognized. In Orwell's Warning: The Greatest Amerikan Paradox, Erik Blaire compares these features to the paradoxes of American politics, violence, and religion. Finding they are inseparable, he proposes that American freedom must therefore also be paradoxical. Armed with clues derived by examining American schizophrenia, obedience, disobedience, and paranoia, Blaire adopts as a factual skeleton the historical puzzle of Francisco Pizarro's conquering the mightiest empire of South America in one evening with a single boat load of men. Solving the puzzle, he then fleshes in fiction a working model for the most important, yet most neglected of Orwell's features, the central secret of Oceania. Blaire's conclusion: Any society which is founded on, and therefore conceals a central secret, must be characterized by a paradoxical or Orwellian state of freedom just like The Greatest Amerikan Paradox....

"In our age there is no such thing as “keeping out of politics.” All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia." —George Orwell, Politics and the English Language (1946) Imagine, if you would, an average American. We’ll call him “Ed.” Ed is in his mid-thirties, works in an office, and is currently standing at the paper shredder. He’s holding a stack of paper in one arm while feeding the paper shredder with his other. Suddenly, he drops the stack of paper all over the floor and just stands there, rigid, mouth hanging open and eyes as wide as silver dollars. Staring into nowhere in particular, he begins babbling faintly and incoherently to himself. He giggles slightly with a faint smile, and then he looks around with an intense expression of perplexed distress. Ed’s coworkers, who are standing all around him, have become quite concerned and a bit upset with what they are seeing and hearing. “What’s wrong with Ed?” they whisper to each other. “What’s wrong, Ed?” one of them asks him. Ed looks past his concerned coworker and babbles on, muttering something about “...

Preface. What is Allopathy? Introduction. Who Was George Orwell? 1. Schizophrenia 2. Obedience 3. Disobedience 4. Paranoia

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Wommack's Vocabulary+ Buffet: Vocabulary, Word Usage & Pronunciation, Foreign Phrases, Quotations, Poems, Nursery Rhymes, Great Art/Artists, Architecture/Architects, Authors/Books, & Religions

By: David Wommack

Nothing thrusts your personality forward better than an expansive vocabulary—coupled with wit, an articulate delivery, cogent arguments, and an interest in & knowledge of the world. We can’t address the latter—but Wommack's Vocabulary+ Buffet puts you easily on the road to a deep and dynamic vocabulary. Our approach is vastly different from other tomes: First—Portability. We’re an e-book. Easily carried anywhere, consulted, studied. Second—Pronunciation. Gone are the confusing accent marks & non-phonetic instructions. Our pronunciation guide is simple & phonetic. Third—Illustrative sentences. We load you up with them—4 to 10 per word. Real help beyond definitions. Showing you how the various word meanings are correctly incorporated in sentences. Definitions alone won’t fix your mind. Sentence usage will. No other vocabulary reference comes close to us—over 6,000 sentences for over 1,500 words. Fourth—Games. We suggest a wealth of two-person & parlor games to reinforce your learning, allow you to practice in a competitive manner. Plus—We include a body of extras to flavor your conversation: Quotations from Shakesp...

TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1–INTRODUCTION Why Have a Copious Vocabulary? Organization of the Guide The “Plus” Sections Following the Main Vocabulary Suggested Study Usage of the Guide: Guide to Pronunciation Guide to Word Origin for Foreign Phrases and Words Game Suggestions Chapter 2–VOCABULARY Game Suggestions – Two-person and Parlor Games Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Chapter 3–CONFUSING WORDS Game Suggestions – Two-person and Parlor Games Game 1 Confusing Words Chapter 4–PREFIXES & SUFFIXES Game Suggestions – Two-person and Parlor Games Game 1 Greek Prefixes & Meaning Greek Suffixes & Meaning Latin Prefixes & Meaning Chapter 5–FREQUENTLY MISSPELLED WORDS Game Suggestions – Two-person and Parlor Games Game 1 Game 2 Frequently Misspelled Words Chapter 6–COMMON FOREIGN PHRASES & EXPRESSIONS USED IN ENGLISH Game Suggestions – Two-person and Parlor Games Game 1 Game 2 Romance & Other European Languages Yiddish Words & Phrases Chapter 7–QUOTATIONS Game Suggestions – Two-person and Parlor Games Game 1 Shakespeare Antony and Cleopatra...

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K's Bhoomika

By: Manohar Asija

Having lost her mother, and virtually rendered `orphan`, in the absence of `father`, a little girl Named Bhoomika, by dint of sheer circumstances, happens to reach a virgin teacher. Here, the `blessed opportunity for education` awaits her, as she is inspired and guided by this benevolent lady towards higher education. Once, she was offered a part-time job of `a reader for a blind class-fellow` of hers at Khadi Degree College, Guhahati: and she gladly accepted it. Of course, some nascent opportunities came to her, even in Delhi, when she was staying in a Working Women’s Hostel, while doing some odd jobs to support self, economically. But the travails of life also came her way; and she coped up with every sort of situation, by way of `fine-tuning` the responses from her brain and heart, every time, with an objective to attaining a quality decision from within. Having once been requested by very senior colleague to stay with one spinster Professor, during her illness, she served the lady so dutifully that the Professor persistently requested her to live with her till the young girl is married off. Having attained some extraordinary ...

"In fact, I had never spoken to her even a single word, though she continued to send me signals for initiating a dialogue with her. I had to go to fetch my daily quota of water from the water-tap, provided at the back of her tenement, for all the four segments, in the vicinity. Almost every time, we had to place our buckets or utensils, in a queue, while waiting for our turn. Being shy of passing through the front lane, while approaching the water-tap, I preferred to walk along the back of the segment, in our front. God knows, how she could spot me from such a long distance that I had come out of my room, with buckets in my hands. Quite often, I marked her busy in looking towards me with furtive glances, while waiting for her turn, as she would deliberately waste her time, simply to ignore the fact of my arrival there and would thus make room for me to place my buckets before hers.” .......... It pains him to recall his last meeting with that `unfortunate girl`, who was destined to spend a spinster's life and breathe her last, while resting her head at Bihari's knee, who kept caressing her forehead, in the presence of her trusted ...

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Against the War : A Novel of the Vietnam War Era

By: Roland Menge

AGAINST THE WAR follows the intertwined lives of four friends, rowing team mates, who graduate from college at the height of the Vietnam War and struggle to make decisions about the war and the military draft. Two become involved in the war, one as a combat pilot and one as a medic. The other two of the four friends, in trying to avoid the war, become involved in the “war on poverty,” the anti-war movement, and the counterculture that arises from the anti-war movement. In the course of the four and a half years covered in the novel, the four men also meet and court the women who become their eventual spouses. These women become part of the story as they position themselves with respect to the war and the women's liberation movement. In the course of this, also, the eight young people of the novel find themselves within an ever growing phenomenon involving thousands of American youths like themselves reacting to the same far-reaching dynamics of the counterculture and the war. "Menge's book reminds me of both Theodore Dreiser and John Dos Passos. It's a vast panorama with enormous attention to detail." David Willson, Vietnam War F...

234. Morris is relocated from Sam Neua to a Lao village From Sam Neua, the group that included prisoner of war James Morris headed southwest, so far as he could determine from occasional glimpses of the sun through the canopy of leaves above the road on which the caravan was traveling. Then the shield of leaves dropped away briefly and Morris saw that the wagon was moving along on a road about 400 feet above a town with narrow streets and Chinese-style pagoda roofs. Some of the buildings were demolished and others were in flame. “That is Sam Neua, the actual town,” the third passenger informed. “Where was the camp then?” “Place called Xanthon. Just a few miles away.” “The damage here is from bombing?” “Yes, American planes.” “You’re a soldier?” Morris asked. The man was an American, Morris had already decided, based on the easy informality that he had learned set Americans off from other English-speaking people overseas. “No, I’m a clergyman. Catholic priest.” “Is that so?” “Yes. I’ve been working up in the mountains north of Long Thiueu for about five years. My name is Leonard Blair.” “Well, pleased to meet you, Father....

PART I: UP AGAINST THE DRAFT 1. Steward brings his 1-A letter to the boat club 2. Brandt and Morris argue about the Vietnam war 3. O’Rourke steps in to bring the crew on task 4. Morris offers Steward a way out of the draft 5. Brandt asks about his dad’s experience in World War Two 6. Brandt struggles to accommodate to Mary Kass’s cultural interests 7. Brandt leaves Mary behind to avoid an audience discussion 8. Mary goes after Matt; they come upon Morris in uniform 9. Brandt rescues Morris in a fight with an antiwar demonstrator 10. Steward gets some heartfelt advice from Barbara Carpenter 11. Steward visits his draft board to ask about his status 12. Steward bores Mary’s sister, Ellen; she winds up with Morris 13. Matt and Mary discuss their relationship and make a commitment 14. VISTA trainee Brandt learns about social problems, meets Dennis Kelly 15. Steward starts Air Force ROTC camp with roommate Orin Brown 16. Steward gives the Air Force camp his sincere best effort 17. Steward “orientates” with Air Force social worker Gary Hansard 18. Brandt arrives at his assigned VISTA worksite in Crabtree, Kentucky 19. B...

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Wommack’s The Art of Parenting : Lessons from Parents & Mentors of Extraordinary Americans

By: David Wommack

Let's be honest. No other parenting books even try to show you how to make your son or daughter a great American. We do. Thirty-one (31) great men and women from across many professions, genders, politics, religions, and walks of life--the products of extraordinary parenting and mentoring. This book offers the exact techniques, words, phrases, mantras --to propel your offspring to incredible success -- toward rich, vivid lives. They worked for those parents and mentors. They can and will work for you too. Mantras are the 21st Century way to lock your ideals, standards, ethics, and principles into formative minds. By definition they demand repetition. The phrasing may stay the same or almost the same. The stories, the elaboration, the background, the colors may bob and weave. But the cores of the mantras stay fixed. Stars to remember and guide one through life. MANTRAS. The exact words used to motivate and guide those great future Americans. Distilled from over 500 biographies. These techniques, these words and phrases, WORK! This book uniquely brings you the best parenting and mentoring advice. Straight up. No bull. The EXACT, SPECI...

Introduction An easier childhood? There is a deep-seated river that contrarily runs through most American parenting. The belief that “my children” should have it easier than we, as parents, had it — when we were growing up. That is the worst mantra of parents! Spoiling your kids is the worst curse you can bestow upon your kids and yourself. It will come back to haunt you. Over and over and over. And then it will be too late. An old adage. Well, maybe we’ve grown up a little and are now more accomplished at avoiding corporeal punishment, except in the most egregious situations. But we continue to spoil them in other ways. Excess money. Excess toys. Excess time on their hands with nothing constructive to do. Excess trivia in their lives....

Contents Dedication .................................................................................................................. 10 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 11 An easier childhood? ........................................................................................ 11 Parenting has changed? .................................................................................... 11 Mantras are the past and the future .................................................................. 12 About the Author ....................................................................................................... 15 VOLUME I–THE ART OF PARENTING................................................................ 17 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ................................................................................................ 17 Who is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? ............................................................................... 17 Parenting Techniques .........................................................................

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Space Force Grunts : A Science Fiction Novel

By: Ingo Potsch

Space Force Grunts is a Science Fiction novel playing several generations into the future. After the human race has invented hyperspace flight, thousands of planets are colonised. Those new societies maintain their independence until the human race encounters an alien civilisation that also masters space flight and hyperspace travel. Being so very different from the human race, those aliens are at first not even recognised as an eminent civilisation commanding over impressive, seemingly sheer unlimited means and a proficient use of advanced technologies. When the mistake is discovered, it is too late already for avoiding a clash of civilisations and a violent conflict has already started. The worlds settled by the human race gradually unite ever more under the leadership of a political movement. Conscription is introduced to provide for the military forces’ need for soldiers. People with sufficient means can purchase freedom from conscription and escape the draft. The funds obtained by the administration via that purchase of freedom are used to supply the military with materials means like weapons and to pay the soldiers who get dra...

Base 18 on Planet DN-DU-144/5 was a place that could only be found on detailed military maps. This planet was circling a sun situated at the border between our Local Bubble of stars in the Milky Way and the much bigger Loop 1 Bubble, another assembly of suns and planets. DN-DU-144/5 was the fifth planet in outward direction, when counted from the local star as centre. Base 18 now consisted of a dozen bunkers, a few deep wells and a couple of cisterns appendant to them, a makeshift front-line spa, and most importantly a maintenance station for fighter robots and combat drones. Base 18 on planet DN-DU-144/5 was in principle a bleak place. Though at that moment it was officially day-time at the location of base 18, there was actually just a little twilight. The far sun, going by the less-than-poetic name of DN-DU-144, illuminated only the abundant clouds enfolding the planet decently. Little light ever made it through to the surface. ‘I just love it’ Master Sergeant Koon had sarcastically said when arriving at this place, together with all the other soldiers of the 5th company. They had taken this base over from a unit that had suffe...

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