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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

... By Indrek Pringi Library of Congress Txu 987-756 Copyright January 29th 2001 Canadian Copyri... ...ns: Connection, and Separation. This book explores the logical extrapolation of this, and other Dynamics. My challenge to the reader is simple. ... ...not? Preface The Basic Elements of Human Understanding are: ... ... it. If you live by it, and sit under its shade and wonder about it. If you listen to the wind soughing through its branches and enjoy its beauty ... ...s, nobody would The Path of Splitness Chapter One: The Universe 70 have listened to him. In fact, if he had not used two expedient constants: ... ... us. Our ancestors mastered their own instinctive fear of fire, they stopped listening to their instinctive fears, their instincts that told them t... ...ated for them from Latin by lying hypocritical priests, Cardinals, bishops and Popes. But… however… Nobody did anything about it. Nobody had any w... ...could excommunicate Kings from Christian society, it could even excommunicate Popes from Christian society.. The only reason that Martin Luther suc... ...d thieves: who are held up to be worshipped and revered as leaders, Emperors, Popes, Robber Barons, Kings, Presidents, Billionaires, etc. The histo...

...The Path of Splitness is a major non fiction work of 1,868 pages: This is the latest revised version. The book analyzes and explains: 1: The origins of our Universe: where it came from and how it was created. 2: Basic aspects a...

...Chapter 1: The Universe. Pgs 1-112 How the Universe came into being. Chapter 2: Life Pgs 113-131 Structural dynamics of the Universe and Life Chapter 3: Hominids Pgs 132-187 A: How we evolved into Humans Pgs 188-222 B: Summary of Hominid-Human Development Chapter 4: Modern Human Dynamics P...

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