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History of Radio (X) Jonathan Cross (X) Fiction (X)

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The Mystery of Jamieson Stone

By: Jonathan Cross

... - J.Cross/Stone 2 THE MYSTERY OF JAMIESON STONE A Novel by Jonathan Cross ... ...ross/Stone 3 CHAPTER 1 WASHINGTON, D.C. The studios of WNN (Worldwide News Network) were as hectic as usual. Pr... ...ic as usual. Producers, assistant producers, directors, assistant directors and a beehive of workers were all scurrying around pawning off papers an... ...atamir. Brand focused the mouse on it, and clicked. In seconds, the computer gave a brief history: author of five books, three on physics, and two o... ...n and Brand were mostly quiet, except for Susan’s occasional crying. Brand snapped on the radio to see if there was any news -- only the beginning of... ... “You, of course. I’ll just sit here and listen to some music.” He pushed a button on the radio, and it immediately filled the room with the sounds o... ...of clothes. “Let’s see what’s on television, maybe there’s good movie?” He turned off the radio, and snapped on the television, keeping the sound lou... ...?” “It has been my experience that when these kind of events happen, there is usually a history to go with it.” “And what do you suspect…Agent..?...

...ities cover up their misdeeds and embarrassing situations, now finds himself trying to unravel the mystery that could change the world and the future of the international space station. ...

...Weaving international intrigue with a high-level murder case, The Mystery of Jamieson Stone will leave you on the edge of your seat. When the world’s most famous television news anchor, Jamieson Stone, apparently commits suicide on live international television, Stone’s widow hires detective Mi...

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The Vatican Conspiracy

By: Jonathan Cross

...l chapel next to his private quarters. The dark chapel was dimly lit by a row of flickering votive candles that cast a soothing splay of shadows acr... ...fix as he closed his eyes and began to recite out-loud the Five Holy Mysteries of the Rosary. His nightly reverie, before bed, calmed him and conne... ...verie, before bed, calmed him and connected his soul to the sublime obedience of God. During these moments of prayer, he put the chaos of his Office ... ...but then he quickly reminded himself that this was the first American Pope in history, and more importantly the first one of Jewish decent, except f... ...lfredo said, sounding like a professor, “Politics has always been part of the history and doctrine of the Church.” 6 J.Cross/Artemis “You’re r... ...ce, hung around the room. Artifacts of capes, picas, and swords detailing the history of Bull Fighting from Spain to Mexico were displayed in glass ... ...or on their way home. Soule’ would take no chances. He spoke quietly into the radio, "Salim, do you see the men approaching?" "I see them," Salim ... ...rds crumpled 338 J.Cross/Artemis in silence. Salim spoke calmly into the radio, "I need two men to remove the guards." Within seconds, the men ... ...hem behind the bushes. Make sure they are dead, and return to your positions. Radio me when it is done." Within a minute, a whispered voice came o...

...The Pope receives a vision that includes the names of four men: a U.S. Senator, a covert military intelligence agent, a priest from a small parish, and the head of the Italian mafia. These men form an alliance to eliminate the drug cartels of the world to save the children of...

...Pope Francis lithely entered into the small chapel next to his private quarters. The dark chapel was dimly lit by a row of flickering votive candles that cast a soothing splay of shadows across the ancient altar. The Pope knelt his thin, angular body before it; his white cassock cascaded across the red, soft cushion. He gently entwined the eb...

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