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Silence's Bell (Haiku)

By: Florentin Smarandache

...dache (non-standard haiku poems, translated from Romanian by Stefan Benea, and refined by the author) THE SPRING Time opens the window of the moment ... ...d? Spring rises out of its song. Torpid under the sky, the sun has frozen and stares. Are the birds somehow blinded by the light? Are the waves hit... ...poplars carry roads on their back. On old hills the rumour of cows with soft udders. In the light breeze stet burst the springs-of-universe. Among... ...Northern wind lightly punches me. The clouds hang like foul chandeliers and life is taking time. The drops fall on the asphalt like grenades. It i... ...tanca Cionca ­ Romanian Nipponologist ­ states that "the haiku school is a science of image concentration within the detail, fragmentary": "How a ... ...line poems. It is very possible that the poet, out of a job and struggling hard for a living, wouldn't have had the opportunity to find out about this...

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