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A Courageous Battle

By: Susan Bracken

...mple, he had grown into a self-centered man who, at twenty-five, lived for sports, the outdoors and sex. As his house came into view and he started to... ...st dishes. Well, I cannot worry about it now. She ate a sandwich and drank water while she washed the dishes. She scribbled a note for Jana, and hurri... ...r second glass, she thought of ripping up Roger’s clothes and throwing his sports stuff out into the yard. Grimly, she resisted the temptation. ON THU... ... surveyed the house. With Roger’s golf clubs, bowling shoes, skis, curling equipment, snowmobile, skates and camping gear gone, as well as his clothes... ...axena, his Community Re- lations Coordinator, smiled at him as she set out water jugs, bookmarks, and pens. Already, a few people were lurking near th... ...Buildings nestled on hillsides rimming the bay and streets ran up from the water- front, disappearing into abundant tree thickets. A few sailboats dot... .... I got a job at an Australian government high school. They’re crazy about sports over there, so they liked my credentials and hired me. I taught gym ...

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