
Born on 10 December 1954, in Balcesti city, Romania, wrote in three languages: Romanian, French, and English.

Poet, playwright, novelist, writer of prose, tales for children, translator from many languages, experimental painter, philosopher, physicist, mathematician.

American citizen.

He graduated from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Craiova in 1979, earned a Ph. D. in Mathematics from the State University Moldova at Chisinau in 1997, and continued postdoctoral studies at various American Universities such as University of Phoenix, University of Texas at Austin, etc. after emigration in America.

In U.S. he worked as a software engineer for Honeywell (1990-1995), adjunct professor for Pima Community College (1995-1997), in 1997 Assistant Professor at the University of New Mexico - Gallup Campus, promoted to Associate Professor of Mathematics in 2003, and to full Professor in 2008..

Since June 2007 he was Chair of the Department of Math & Sciences.

During the Ceausescu's era he got in conflict with authorities.  In 1986 he did the hunger strike for being refused to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians at the University of Berkeley, then published a letter in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society for the freedom of circulating of scientists, and became a dissident.  As a consequence, he remained unemployed for almost two years, living from private tutoring done to students.  The Swedish Royal Academy Foreign Secretary Olof G. Tandberg contacted him by telephone from Bucharest.

Not being allowed to publish, he tried to get his manuscripts out of the country through

the French School of Bucharest and tourists, but for many of them he lost track.

Escaped from Romania in September 1988 and waited almost two years in the political refugee camps of Turkey, where he did unskilled works in construction in order to survive: scavenger, house painter, whetstoner.   Here he kept in touch with the French Cultural Institutes that facilitated him the access to books and rencontres with personalities.

Before leaving the country he buried some of his manuscripts in a metal box in his parents vineyard, near a peach tree, that he retrieved four years later, after the 1989 Revolution,  when he returned for the first time to his native country.   Other manuscripts, that he tried to mail to a translator in France, were confiscated by the secret police and never returned.

In March 1990 he emigrated to the United States.

He wrote hundreds of pages of diary about his life in the Romanian dictatorship (unpublished), as a cooperative teacher in Morocco ("Professor in Africa", 1999), in the Turkish refugee camp ("Escaped... / Diary From the Refugee Camp", Vol. I, II, 1994, 1998), and in the American exile - diary which is still going on.

But he's internationally known as the literary school leader for the "paradoxism" movement  which has many advocates in the world, that he set up in 1980, based on an excessive use of antitheses, antinomies, contradictions, paradoxes in creation paradoxes - both at the small level and the entire level of the work - making an interesting connection between mathematics, philosophy, and literature

[ ].

He introduced the 'paradoxist distich', 'tautologic distich', and 'dualistic distich', inspired from the mathematical logic [ ].

Literary experiments he realized in his dramas: Country of the Animals, where there is no dialogue!, and An Upside-Down World, where the scenes are permuted to give birth to one billion of billions of distinct dramas!

[ ]. 

He stated:

"Paradoxism started as an anti-totalitarian protest against a closed society, where the whole culture was manipulated by a small group. Only their ideas and publications counted. We couldn't publish almost anything.

Then, I said: Let's do literature... without doing literature! Let's write... without actually writing anything. How? Simply: literature-object! 'The flight of a bird', for example, represents a "natural poem", that is not necessary to write down, being more palpable and perceptible in any language that some signs laid on the paper, which, in fact, represent an "artificial poem": deformed, resulted from a translation by the observant of the observed, and by translation one falsifies.

Therefore, a mute protest we did!

Later, I based it on contradictions. Why? Because we lived in that society a double life: an official one - propagated by the political system, and another one real. In mass-media it was promulgated that 'our life is wonderful', but in reality 'our life was miserable'. The paradox flourishing! And then we took the creation in derision, in inverse sense, in a syncretism way. Thus the paradoxism was born. The folk jokes, at great fashion in Ceausescu's 'Epoch', as an intellectual breathing, were superb springs.

The "No" and "Anti" from my paradoxist manifestos had a creative character, not at all nihilistic." Paradoxism, following the line of dadaism, lettrism, absurd theatre, is a kind of up-side down writings!

In 1992 he was invited speaker in Brazil (Universidad do Blumenau, etc.).

He did many poetical experiments within his avant-garde and published paradoxist manifestos: "Le Sens du Non-Sens" (1983), "Anti-chambres/Antipoésies/Bizarreries" (1984, 1989), "NonPoems" (1990), changing the French and respectively English linguistics clichés.  While "Paradoxist Distichs" (1998) introduces new species of poetry with fixed form.

Eventually he edited three International Anthologies on Paradoxism (2000-2004) with texts from about 350 writers from around the world in many languages.

"MetaHistory" (1993) is a theatrical trilogy against the totalitarianism again, with dramas that experiment towards a total theatre: "Formation of the New Man", "An Upside - Down World", "The Country of the Animals".  The last drama, that pioneers no dialogue on the stage, was awarded at the International Theatrical Festival of Casablanca (1995). 

He translated them into English as "A Trilogy in pARadOXisM: avant-garde political dramas"; and they were published by ZayuPress (2004).

"Trickster's Famous Deeds" (1994, auto-translated into English 2000), theatrical trilogy for children, mixes the Romanian folk tradition with modern and SF situations. 

His first novel is called "NonNovel" (1993) and satirizes the dictatorship in a gloomy way, by various styles and artifice within one same style.

"Faulty Writings" (1997) is a collection of short stories and prose within paradoxism, bringing hybrid elements from rebus and science into literature.

His experimental albums "Outer-Art" (Vol. I, 2000 & Vol. II: The Worst Possible Art in the World!, 2003) comprises over-paintings, non-paintings, anti-drawings, super-photos, foreseen with a manifesto: "Ultra-Modernism?" and "Anti-manifesto"

[ ].

Art was for Dr. Smarandache a hobby.  He did:

- graphic arts for his published volumes of verse: "Anti-chambres/ Anti-poésies/ Bizarreries" (mechanical drawings), "NonPoems" (paradoxist drawings), "Dark Snow" & "Circles of light" (covers);

- paradoxist collages for the "Anthology of the Paradoxist Literary Movement", by J. -M. Levenard, I. Rotaru, A. Skemer;

- covers and illustrations of books, published by "Dorul" Publ. Hse., Aalborg, Denmark;

- illustrations in the journal: "Dorul" (Aalborg, Denmark).

Many of his art works are held in "The Florentin Smarandache Papers" Special Collections at the Arizona State University, Tempe, and Texas State University, Austin (USA), also in the National Archives of Valcea and Romanian Literary Museum (Romania), and in the Musee de Bergerac (France).

Twelve books were published that analyze his literary creation, among them: "Paradoxism's Aesthetics" by Titu Popescu (1995), and "Paradoxism and Postmodernism" by Ion Soare (2000).

In 1999 he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

In mathematics he introduced the degree of negation of an axiom or of a theorem in geometry (see the Smarandache geometries which can be partially Euclidean and partially non-Euclidean, 1969), the multi-structure (see the Smarandache n-structures, where a weak structure contains an island of a stronger structure), and multi-space (a combination of heterogeneous spaces).

He created and studied many sequences and functions in number theory. 

He generalized the fuzzy, intuitive, paraconsistent, multi-valent, dialetheist logics to the 'neutrosophic logic' (also in the Denis Howe's Dictionary of Computing, England) and, similarly, he generalized the fuzzy set to the 'neutrosophic set' (and its derivatives: 'paraconsistent set', 'intuitionistic set', 'dialethist set', 'paradoxist set', 'tautological set').

Also, he proposed an extension of the classical probability and the imprecise probability to the 'neutrosophic probability', that he defined as a tridimensional vector whose components are real subsets of the non-standard interval ]-0, 1+[.

He's organizing the 'First International Conference on Neutrosophics' at the University of New Mexico, 1-3 December 2001

[ ].

Since 2002, together with Dr. Jean Dezert from Office National de Recherches Aeronautiques in Paris, worked in information fusion and generalized the Dempster-Shafer Theory to a new theory of plausible and paradoxist fusion (Dezert-Smarandache Theory): .

In 2004 he designed an algorithm for the Unification of Fusion Theories and rules (UFT) used in bioinformatics, robotics, military.

In physics he found a series of paradoxes (see the quantum smarandache paradoxes), and 

emitted the hypothesis that there is no speed barrier in the universe, which is very contradictory among scientists.  Also, considered the possibility of a third form of matter, called unmatter, which is combination of matter and antimatter (or quarks and antiquarks): ].

In philosophy he introduced in 1995 the 'neutrosophy', as a generalization of Hegel's dialectic, which is the basement of his researches in mathematics and economics, such as 'neutrosophic logic', 'neutrosophic set', 'neutrosophic probability', 'neutrosophic statistics'.

Neutrosophy is a new branch of philosophy that studies the origin, nature, and scope of neutralities, as well as their interactions with different ideational spectra. This theory considers every notion or idea together with its opposite or negation and the spectrum of "neutralities" (i.e. notions or ideas located between the two extremes, supporting neither nor ). The and ideas together are referred to as .  According to this theory every idea tends to be neutralized and balanced by and ideas - as a state of equilibrium

[ ].

Other small contributions he had in psychology:

[ ],

 and in sociology: [ ].

Invited to lecture at University of Berkeley (2003), Jadavpur University-India (2004), NASA Langley Research Center-USA (2004), NATO Advance Study Institute-Bulgaria (2005), Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics-Russia (2005), Bloomsburg University-USA (1995), University Sekolah Tinggi Informatika & Komputer Indonesia-Malang and University Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga-Indonesia (2006), Minufiya University (Shebin Elkom) – Egypt (2007), etc.

Presented papers at many Sensor or Information Fusion International Conferences (Australia, Sweden, USA, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Canada, Germany).

Very prolific, he is the author, co-author, and editor of over 150 books published by thirty five publishing houses (such as university and college presses, professional scientific and literary presses, such as Springer Verlag (in print), Univ. of Kishinev Press, Pima College Press, ZayuPress, Haiku, etc.) in ten countries and in many languages, over 180 scientific articles and notes, and contributed to over 100 literary and 50 scientific journals from around the world.

He published many articles on international journals, such as: Multiple-Valued Logic - An International Journal (now called Multiple-Valued Logic & Soft Computing), International Journal of Social Economics, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, International Journal of Tomography & Statistics, Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (Editor-in-Chief), Gaceta Matematica (Spain), Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Progress in Physics, Infinite Energy (USA), Information & Security: An International Journal, InterStat - Statistics on the Internet (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA), American Mathematical Monthly, Mathematics Magazine, Journal of Advances in Information Fusion (JAIF), Zentralblatt Für Mathematik (Germany; reviewer), Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (Holland), Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Intelligencer (Gottingen, Germany), Notices of the American Mathematical Society, etc. and on many International Conference Proceedings.

Some of them can be downloaded from the LANL / Cornell University ( and the CERN web sites.

Hundreds of articles, books, and reviews have been written about his activity around the world.  The books can be downloaded from this

Digital Library of Science:

and from the Digital Library of Arts & Letters: .

As a Globe Trekker he visited over 35 countries that he wrote about in his memories.

International Conferences:

   First International Conference on Smarandache Type Notions in Number Theory,

August 21-24, 1997, organized by Dr. C. Dumitrescu & Dr. V. Seleacu, University of Craiova, Romania.

   International Conference on Smarandache Geometries, May 3-5 2003, organized by Dr. M. Khoshnevisan, Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Queensland, Australia. 

   International Conference on Smarandache Algebraic Structures, December 17-19, 2004, organized by Prof. M. Mary John, Mathematics Department Chair, Loyola College,  Madras, Chennai - 600 034 Tamil Nadu, India.

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Obiectivul Savu :

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Urmărirea oficială a început pe data de 22.03.1985 (deşi am găsit în dosare şi rapoarte din ianuarie 1985) şi a continuat şi după fuga obiectivului „SAVU” pe data de 07.09.1988 în lagărul de refugiaţi politici din Istambul şi Ankara (Turcia). A fost luat în atenţie de Serviciul III din cadrul Inspectoratul Judeţean Dolj, pe linia problemei „Atlas”. Ȋn vreme ce ei „mă lucrau în urmărire informativă” cu atȃta zel … eu habar n-aveam! Ba chiar mă băgaseră în atenţia Servi...

Pierderi de manuscrise Am pierdut vreo 350 pagini de manuscrise în perioada aceea. A fost şi greşeala mea că mă grăbeam să le public ori să le scot din ţară... n-am avut răbdare să aştept. Dar cine se gȃndea atunci că o să cadă dictatura, cȃnd ea părea aşa de stabilă şi tare ca betonul?! 1) Trei plicuri mari şi groase, albe, puse la poşta din Craiova, din spatele Universităţii Centrale, şi expediate către aceeaşi Chantal Signoret în primele zile din septembrie 1988 – î...

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An Upside-Down World

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This play does not represent time in suspension or a snapshot cartoon, but rather a living entity in never ending motion. As with two people reading the same book but not imagining the same things, the actors and producers will be the true creators of new models and ideas due to the existing framework. Consider the theater as a painting with ideas made out of a malleable material. Time stamps its features upon it and producers remodel its structure. Actors, as factor...

In some places, some speeches may be adapted or the actors may improvise for a better connection between the moduli and the integrity of the play. In order to test the reaction of the audience, to measure the flair of the critics for the illogicality of the play, and to determine the force of electricity in the thinking and power of adaptability to the environment to the unpropitious conditions of living (Darwin's theory) of the spectators in a hostile and constraini...

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Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics : Volume 9, Number 2

By: by Various

A short collection of mathematical papers from various authors relating to Florentin Smaradache's theories.

This dual will be studied in a separate paper (in preparation). 2. The additive analogues of the functions 5 and 5. are real variable functions, and have been defined and studied in paper [31. (See also one book [61, pp. 171-174). These functions have been recently further extended, by the use of Euler's gamma function, ill place of the factorial (see [1]). We note that in what follows, we could define also the additive analogues functions by the use of Euler's gamma ...

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Unfolding the Labyrinth : Open Problems in Physics, Mathematics, A...

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Progress and development in our knowledge of the structure, form and function of the Universe, in the true sense of the word, its beauty and power, and its timeless presence and mystery, before which even the greatest intellect is awed and humbled, can spring forth only from an unshackled mind combined with a willingness to imagine beyond the boundaries imposed by that ossified authority by which science inevitably becomes, as history teaches us, barren and decrepit. ...

After the experiments were completed, the life span of such “atoms” was calculated theoretically in Chapiro’s works [61,62,63]. His main idea was that nuclear forces, acting between nucleon and anti-nucleon, can keep them far away from each other, hindering their annihilation. For instance, a proton and anti-proton are located at the opposite side of the same orbit and move around the orbit’s centre. If the diameter of their orbit is much larger than the diameter of the ...

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Non Novel

By: by Florentin Smarandache

NonNovel is indeed a novel of drawer, carried year after year in the bottomless sack of the exile. This fierce parabola about totalitarianism, about alienation, guilty obedience and lie, opportunism, cruelty, violence, monstrosity, written in a strong tensioned and lacking bashfulness style, situates Florentin Smarandache closer by Orwell, Konwicki, Koestler, Baconsky, and marks a new dimension of the Paradoxism.

Mybreathin gstops Mybrea thingstops Myb reath ings tops Mybreathingstops Mybreat hin gsto ps M ybreath ingstops My breathing stops

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Unification of Art Theories

By: by Florentin Smarandache

This book presents a short panorama of commented art theories, together with experimental digital images using adopted techniques from various fields, in order to inspire the actual artists to choose from, and also to invent or adopt new procedures in producing their artworks. This book presents a short panorama of commented art theories, together with digital art images using adopted techniques from various fields, in order to inspire the actual artists to choose from, ...

Earth Art requires huge work on land, sod, grass. It started in 1968 with Robert Morris utilizing a pile of dirt, and Robert Smithson who filled some boxes with rocks. Some projects demand enormous effort, for example carving the American presidential portraits in Mount Rushmore by Gustom Borglum, or wrapping the Australian coastline in 1969 with plastic and rope by Javacheff and Jeanne-Claude Christo (packed objects). Ephemeral patterns (art) in the snow by Dennis Oppen...

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Non-Associative Linear Algebras

By: by Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book has six chapters. First chapter is introductory in nature. The new concept of non-associative semi-linear algebras is introduced in chapter two. This structure is built using groupoids over semi-fields. Third chapter introduces the notion of non-associative linear algebras. These algebraic structures are built using the new class of loops. All these non-associative linear algebras are defined over the prime characteristic field Zp, p a prime. However if we take...

Ln(m) is a loop of order n + 1 that is Ln(m) is always of even order greater than or equal to 6. For more about these loops please refer [37]. All properties discussed in case of groupoids can be done for the case of loops. However the resultant product may not be a loop in general. For the concept of semifield refer [41]. We will be using these loops and groupoids to build linear algebra and semilinear algebras which are non associative.

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A Trilogy of Theatrical Plays for Children

By: by Florentin Smarandache

A collection of three plays made for children in Romanian.

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Non Associative Algebraic Structures Using Finite Complex Numbers

By: by Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book has six chapters. The first one is introductory in nature. Second chapter introduces complex modulo integer groupoids and complex modulo integer loops using C(Zn). This chapter gives 77 examples and forty theorems. Chapter three introduces the notion of nonassociative complex rings both finite and infinite using complex groupoids and complex loops. This chapter gives over 120 examples and thirty theorems. Forth chapter introduces nonassociative structures us...

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Totul Este Posibil, Chiar Si Imposibilul : Interviuri, Scurte Eseu...

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Creaţia este un risc Prefaţă Cei care construiesc şi cei care se căsătoresc nu sunt niciodată în siguranţă, sună un proverb suedez. Deci creaţia, care este o c-o-n-s-t-r-u-c-ţ-i-e, presupune un risc, atrăgând prieteni dar şi duşmani, şi lăsând o a treia categorie de oameni indiferenţi (ca-n logica neutrosofică). În a doua jumătate a vieţii producţia-mi literară s-a redus în cantitate, eu fiind absorbit în (şi sponsorizat pentru) creaţia ştiinţifică aplicată (m...

Cifrele au început să vibreze mi-am încărcat buzunarele cu cifre şi pătrate şi am vâslit hoinar pe drumuri la fiecare colţ al liniei curbe a vieţii aruncam cu cercuri şi triunghiuri în mulţime şi ele rezonau cu cifre am pavat şoseaua iar sub paşii mei au început să vibreze când mi-am umplut plămânii de ele s-au convertit în litere şi am descins pe drumul poeziei

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New Relativistic Paradoxes and Open Questions

By: by Florentin Smarandache

In chapter 1, following the Special Theory of Relativity, we generalize the Lorentz Contraction Factor C(v) to an Oblique-Contraction Factor OC(v, θ), which gives the contraction factor of the lengths moving at an oblique angle with respect to the motion direction. In the chapters 2-5 we show several inconsistencies, contradictions, and anomalies in the Special and General Theories of Relativity

1.3. Oblique-Length Contraction Factor The Special Theory of Relativity asserts that all lengths in the direction of motion are contracted, while the lengths at right angles to the motion are unaffected. But it didn’t say anything about lengths at oblique angle to the motion (i.e. neither perpendicular to, nor along the motion direction), how would they behave? This is a generalization of Galilean Relativity, i.e. we consider the oblique lengths. The length contracti...

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Florentin' Cliches : The Dictator Lifts the State of Emergency wit...

By: by Florentin Smarandache

The Florentin's Cliché should be constructed as follows: - Change the figurative language [figure of speech] of a cliché to a literal language; - Or distort the clichés, make them abnormal, deviate their common sense by simple substitutions of words; - Or eliminate some words from a cliché, or switch the verbs between assertion and negation, in order to give the cliché a surprising new significance: - Or consider a chain of (more or less) contradictory clichés and pu...

51. To be in the right place at the left time! 52. The German language you learn it’s Greek to me 53. This dirty and shaded homeless saved me like a knight in shinning armor 54. In cold blood but hot under the collar he throws cold water on her to getting hot 55. Do not step on his toes, but on his shoes. 56. I don’t like you. Nice to see you! 57. The director jumped to conclusion from the third floor through the window…

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New Classes of Neutrosophic Linear Algebras

By: by Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book is organized into seven chapters. Chapter one is introductory in content. The notion of neutrosophic set linear algebras and neutrosophic neutrosophic set linear algebras are introduced and their properties analysed in chapter two. Chapter three introduces the notion of neutrosophic semigroup linear algebras and neutrosophic group linear algebras. A study of their substructures are systematically carried out in this chapter. The fuzzy analogue of neutrosophic g...

Now we proceed onto define the notion of neutrosophic subgroup of a neutrosophic group. DEFINITION 1.2: Let N(G) = (GuI) be a neutrosophic group generated by G and I. A proper subset P(G) is said to be a neutrosophic subgroup if P(G) is a neutrosophic group i.e. P(G) must contain a (sub) group. Example 1.3: Let N(Z2) = 􀂢Z2 􀂉 I􀂲 be a neutrosophic group under addition. N(Z2) = {0, 1, I, 1 + I}. Now we see {0, I} is a group under + in fact a neutrosophic group {0, ...

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ИСКУССТВО ЛАЯ : The Art of Wag

By: by Florentin Smarandache; Adolf Shvedchikov, Translator

"Искусство лая"-это уникальная книга, дающая ряд советов, как наилучшим образом использовать ваше любимое животное или собаку НА СЛУЖБЕ и в других жизненных ситуаци я х . РЯД таких жемчужин выросли из нашего собственного опыта, другие явнлись следствием наблюдения, ЧТО происходит вокруг нас. Наш последний совет, прежде чем вы начнёте читать эту книгу: а) следуйте этим советам на своИ страх и риск. б>управлять вашей внешней собакой гораздо легче, чем той "собакой ll...

-Если вы не ведущая собака ... ТО вам ничего не светит впереди. -Всё возможно, особенно если у вас большой Доберман. -Во время встречи легче отстаивать свою точку зрения, если рядом сидит Доберман. -Гораздо легче убеждать людей с собакой, чем без неё. Есть два способа приучить СОТРУДНИКОВ офиса к присутствию собаки: вначале принеС~lТе маленькую собачку Чао - чао или Далмацию, а уж ПОТОМ при водите боЛЬШОГО Добермана. - Если вы ведёте разговор о продвижении по службе...

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Neutrosophic Interpretation of Tao Te Ching

By: by Florentin Smarandache

Our book will update the old Chinese thinking in Tao Te Ching to the modern way of life, where contradictions are accepted and two opposite ideas 'A' and 'nonA' and their neutrality 'neutA' can all three be true at the same time. Firstly, we are willing to point out that 'Tao Te Ching' already has some limitation, because many questions we are interested in cannot be answered within 'Tao Te Ching'. For example, 'Tao Te Ching' basically discussed the matters in China, how...

Positive (Original) Chapter 1 The Way that can be followed is not the eternal Way. The name that can be called is not the eternal name. The Principle that can be explained is not the eternal Principle. “Nonexistence” is the name of the origin of heaven and earth; “Existence” is the name of creating the myriad things. Therefore, the essence of Principle always can be seen from “Nonexistence”; The operation of Principle always can be seen from “Existence”. These tw...

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The Art of Wag : Awaken the Dog Inside (Caution : Do These At Your...

By: by Florentin Smarandache; V. Christianto

“The Art of Wag” is a unique booklet comprised of advices and possible tips you can use on how to make the best out of your pet/dog in workplace and other situations. Some of these gems come from our own experience, and some come from watching these practices surrounding us. As our last advice before you jump through this book, (a) do these advices at your own risks; (b) managing the dog outside is much easier than managing ‘the dog’ inside yourself; (c) don’t take...

• If you’re not the lead dog … the view never changes. • All is really possible, especially with a big Doberman. • In a meeting, it’s easier to argue your point with a big Doberman besides you. • It’s more effective to convince people with persuasion and a big dog, rather than with persuasion alone. • There are two types of dog-approach in office: (a) first bring a small and funny dog, like Chihuahua or Dalmatian, (b) then bring a big Doberman. • It’s possible to br...

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Neutrosophic Rings

By: by Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book has four chapters. Chapter one is introductory in nature, for it recalls some basic definitions essential to make the book a self-contained one. Chapter two, introduces for the first time the new notion of neutrosophic rings and some special neutrosophic rings like neutrosophic ring of matrix and neutrosophic polynomial rings. Chapter three gives some new classes of neutrosophic rings like group neutrosophic rings, neutrosophic group neutrosophic rings, semigro...

Now we proceed onto define the notion of neutrosophic subgroup of a neutrosophic group. DEFINITION 1.1.2: Let N(G) = 〈G ∪ I〉 be a neutrosophic group generated by G and I. A proper subset P(G) is said to be a neutrosophic subgroup if P(G) is a neutrosophic group i.e. P(G) must contain a (sub) group. Example 1.1.3: Let N(Z2) = 〈Z2 ∪ I〉 be a neutrosophic group under addition. N(Z2) = {0, 1, I, 1 + I}. Now we see {0, I} is a group under + in fact a neutrosophic group {...

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The Art of Anti-War

By: by Florentin Smarandache

The antiwar of our entire nation is defined as being the army-impeded forces, skirmishing shoulder to shoulder with the civilian population, with the purpose of defeating all non-aggressors, for securing our country’s slavery and dependency. The defeat in this battle is assured through a moral inferiority of our population - the right cause of this antiwar -, the lack of heroism of our state’s citizens, by applying an adequate blundering, using our geographical dis...

The battle and its non-goal. The battle is an ensemble of skirmishes of the subunits and units, which take place in a disorganized manner using armament and fighting techniques, for the expressed desire to enforce the enemy. The battle cannot take place on the ground, in the air, or on the water, in an open paradoxist cooperation with all-military denominations, and using their armament’s procedures with the goal of empowering the non-aggressor enemy. The ba...

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Neutrosophic Book Series : Neutrosophic Methods in General Relativ...

By: by Florentin Smarandache; Dmitri Rabounski

In this work the authors apply concepts of Neutrosophic Logic to the General Theory of Relativity to obtain a generalisation of Einstein’s four dimensional pseudo-Riemannian differentiable manifold in terms of Smarandache Geometry (Smarandache manifolds), by which new classes of relativistic particles and non-quantum teleportation are developed.

1.2 The basics of neutrosophy Neutrosophy studies the origin, nature, and scope of neutralities, as well as their interactions with different ideational spectra. It considers that every idea tends to be neutralized, balanced by ideas; as a state of equilibrium. Neutrosophy is the basis of neutrosophic logic, neutrosophic set which generalizes the fuzzy set, and of neutrosphic probability and neutrosophic statistics, which generalize the classical and imprecise pr...

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Neutrosophic Physics : More Problems, More Solutions

By: by Florentin Smarandache, Editor

Research papers presented in this collection manifest only a few of many possible applications of neutrosophic logics to theoretical physics. Most of these applications target the theory of relativity and quantum physics, but other sections of physics are also possible to be considered.

We apply the S-denying procedure to signature conditions in a four-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian space — i. e. we change one (or even all) of the conditions to be partially true and partially false. We obtain five kinds of expanded space-time for General Relativity. Kind I permits the space-time to be in collapse. Kind II permits the space-time to change its own signature. Kind III has peculiarities, linked to the third signature condition. Kind IV permits regions where ...

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