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Creating Happiness : Tools for Improving Your Life

By Carr, James

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Book Id: WPLBN0004102224
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 1.0 MB
Reproduction Date: 11/1/2015

Title: Creating Happiness : Tools for Improving Your Life  
Author: Carr, James
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Psychology, Self-Help
Collections: Authors Community, Psychology
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self published
Member Page: James Carr


APA MLA Chicago

Carr, B. J. (2015). Creating Happiness : Tools for Improving Your Life. Retrieved from

Included in the book is an amazing 4-step cycle to unlock your potential. You will learn tools to think smart and take control of your life, discover yourself- realize your values and beliefs, motivate yourself to meet your goals, and solve all of those problems that get in the way. You will learn how to create happiness in your life instead of spending many years trying to pursue it.

What do you want out of life? Do you want better relationships, more friends, more money? Do you want to improve your skills, achieve your goals, or overcome your fears? I want to help. I want to help you achieve your dreams. If you don’t know what those are yet, let’s start there!

On Success: What does it mean to have a successful life? A successful life is where you become happy with your current situation and are proud of the decisions that got you there. If a certain aspect of your life is exactly where you want it to be, then you have succeeded. Everyone has an image, or a set of standards, in their mind on how their lives should be. In other words, you have an image on how your body should look or how your career should look. When you don’t meet that standard, you’re not happy and you don’t see yourself as successful. When you’re unhappy with your weight, it’s because your weight doesn’t match how you think your weight should be. When you’re unhappy with your income, it’s because you’re not making as much as you feel you should be making.

Table of Contents
Personal Development The Cycle Success Develop a Vision Fear Problem Solving Values Happiness Activities and Challenges


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