Preface: This story was begun, within a few months after the publication of the completed ?Pickwick Papers.? There were, then, a good many cheap Yorkshire schools in existence. There are very few now. Of the monstrous neglect of education in England, and the disregard of it by the State as a means of forming good or bad citizens, and miserable or happy men, private schools long afforded a notable example. Although any man who had proved his unfitness for any other occupa...
Mr. Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1814. He was one of the most noticeable members of the Reform Club, though he seemed always to avoid attracting attention; an enigmatical personage, about whom little was known, except that he was a polished man of the world. People said that he resembled Byron -- at least that his head was Byronic; but he was a bearded, tranquil Byron, who might live on a thou...
A few years ago, while visiting or, rather, rummaging about Notre-Dame, the author of this book found, in an obscure nook of one of the towers, the following word, engraved by hand upon the wall: -- ~ANArKH~. These Greek capitals, black with age, and quite deeply graven in the stone, with I know not what signs peculiar to Gothic caligraphy imprinted upon their forms and upon their attitudes, as though with the purpose of revealing that it had been a hand of the Middle Ag...
Excerpt: Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw.
Excerpt: THE planet Mars, I scarcely need remind the reader, revolves about the sun at a mean distance of 140,000,000 miles, and the light and heat it receives from the sun is barely half of that received by this world. It must be, if the nebular hypothesis has any truth, older than our world; and long before this earth ceased to be molten, life upon its surface must have begun its course. The fact that it is scarcely one seventh of the volume of the earth must have acce...
AGAIN THE SHEET of rain beat against the roof of red Spanish tile, and the wind shrieked like a soul in torment, and smoke puffed from the big fireplace as the sparks were showered over the hard dirt floor. Tis a night for evil deeds! declared Sergeant Pedro Gonzales, stretching his great feet in their loose boots toward the roaring fire and grasping the hilt of his sword in one hand and a mug filled with thin wine in the other. Devils howl in the wind, and demons are in...
Excerpt: RAGGED DICK IS INTRODUCED TO THE READER. WAKE up there, youngster, said a rough voice. Ragged Dick opened his eyes slowly, and stared stupidly in the face of the speaker, but did not offer to get up. Wake up, you young vagabond! said the man a little impatiently; I suppose you'd lay there all day, if I...
Bibliography: p. 74 ; Ro?ntgen, W. C. A new kind of rays.--Further observations on the properties of the X-rays.--Stokes, Sir G. G. On the nature of the Ro?ntgen rays.--Thomson, J. J. A theory of the connection between cathode and Ro?ntgen rays
Supplemental catalog subcollection information: Canadian Libraries Collection; Canadian University Library Collection; The monster. -Blue hotel. -His new mittens
Excerpt: JEAN. I went to the station with the Count and coming back I went in to the barn and danced and then I discovered Miss Julie there leading the dance with the gamekeeper. When she spied me, she rushed right toward me and asked me to waltz, and then she waltzed so?never in my life have I seen anything like it! Ah?she is crazy tonight.