Marlena Yurukova was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 1957.
She graduated in Electronic Engineering from The Technical University in Sofia in 1980 and worked as an electronic engineer for more than 10 years.
In 1993 Marlena Yurukova changed her profession after obtaining qualifications in English language teaching and she has been working as a teacher and translator of English, German and Russian ever since.
Besides practicing the above professions, she has always followed her passion for fine art and created hundreds of acrylic paintings, portraits, life drawings and water color  landscapes.
Marlena Yurukova was awarded twice for her fine art work by Artslant- the first contemporary network of fine art. Her awards can be viewed in her profile in Artslant.
Her recent work is presented also in Saatchi Art.
In 2010 Romfeia Gallery at Plovdiv organized a show of Marlena Yurukova's work.
Marlena Yurukova works also in the field of mural painting, having decorated two chapels with her sister Kristin Yurukova, writer and painter,: "St St Constantine And Helena" and "Archangel St Michael" in the village of Ravnogor and alone - the chapel "St Elijah" near Assenovgrad, Bulgaria.

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By: by Mrs. Mrs. Marlena Stoyanova Yurukova; Marlena Stoyanova Yurukova, Illustrator

Ten short stories about contemporary subjects like emmigration, abandoned villages, unemployment, lost of traditional values, poverty.

Вечна и бляскава „Животът стоеше пред мен като вечна пролет в нови и бляскави дрехи.“ К.Г.Гаус Планината – тя беше вечна и бляскава. Стоеше пред нас цяла Чернатица. Пролетта я правеше да блести още повече и я връщаше отново към вечността. Така и животът ни пое по частица и от двете. Много частици сигурно бе поело и селцето в ниското през столетията. И сега къщите му блестяха в чисто бяло. Пролетта сякаш и тях бе подновила. Затова забързахме надолу, по-скоро да сти...

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Гласът на един народ

By: by Mrs. Mrs. Marlena Stoyanova Yurukova; Marlena Stoyanova Yurukova, Illustrator

Poetry on Bulgarian language with illustrations by the author

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Aquarelle for Ravnogor : Акварел за Равногор

By: by Mrs. Marlena Stoyanova Yurukova

Water color landscapes depicting the beauty of the village of Ravnogor and Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria, where it is located. The landscapes were painted "alla prima" from nature by the author Marlena Yurukova during her stays in Ravnogor and her wanderings in its surroundings in the time from 1985 to 2015. Short three-line verses that fin in with the aquarelles add to conveying the impression of the natural beauty of this place.

The village is high. If you grow up, you will see it. *** Life is a puzzle, and we at its end question marks. *** Summer rain- splashes of blessing from Heaven. *** Autumn near Ravnogor- thefog tousled the forest, it looks like a witch now.

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