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Controle Bibliográfico Nacional na Era Digital : Volume 1

By Alentejo, Eduardo, da Silva, Dr.

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Book Id: WPLBN0100304458
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Reproduction Date: 5/24/2023

Title: Controle Bibliográfico Nacional na Era Digital : Volume 1  
Author: Alentejo, Eduardo, da Silva, Dr.
Volume: Volume 1
Language: Portuguese
Subject: Non Fiction, Bibliography, Bibliographic Control
Collections: Authors Community, Education
Publication Date:


APA MLA Chicago

Eduardo Da Silva Alentejo, B. D. (2023). Controle Bibliográfico Nacional na Era Digital : Volume 1. Retrieved from

The Digital Era has affected bibliographic control operations and modified their systems, mainly those with a national reach at various levels. With this premise, the title National Bibliographic Control in the Digital Era triggers analyzes on how bibliographic control has been impacted by challenges and opportunities for the universalization of knowledge.

In the first part, it introduces the reader to the complex contexts involved in bibliographic control. It develops the foundations of bibliographic control and explains its scope and spheres of professional experimentation, mainly in relation to national and universal bibliographic control, its devices, products, services, its functions, social values and technologies. It contextualizes the subject of national bibliographic control in the digital age, using programs and documents from IFLA, Unesco and other bibliographic bodies, such as FBN and the Library of Congress, as materials. It also examines external factors that condition the existence and effectiveness of Brazilian bibliographic control in the Digital Age. It discusses universal access to knowledge in the Digital Age under the premise and promise of universalist ideals, contained, for example, in the IFLA/Unesco Programme, Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC). This outlines possible digital architectures for bibliographic control at all levels of its reach.

In a growing universe of information alternatives, emerging technologies on the Web have been adapted and applied in the ways in which man controls what he produces. That is, what organizes, preserves and disseminates to society through successive generations of bibliographic systems. Throughout the history of knowledge, librarians have developed catalogs for the organization of bibliographic stocks under their custody, giving them the notion of relevance and their social function, the notion of efficiency for accessing information. Along the way, they continue to be pioneers in terms of applying technologies to their tasks, above all those aimed at organizing collections in contexts of professional cooperation, rationalization of resources and information control, manifest in consecrated bibliographic products, from printed catalogs and bibliographies to those who are currently published online. In this light, between the catalog and the bibliography, there is the bibliographic work that precedes them and intends them for social use. The library was [and continues to be] the first known instance of bibliographic control and its first instruments were its catalogues; and in the cradle of modernity, the bibliography as a reference instrument to indicate to the user what was published and where. If for centuries, catalogs and bibliographies were treated as parallel processes of bibliographic work, these two functions were brought together with the development of Universal Bibliographic Control, a concept adopted internationally in the mid-twentieth century based on international acceptance of cataloging standardization, current sharing of bibliographic records and possibilities of physical access to the disclosed items. Since the popularization of the Internet, these products have undergone processes of digital transformation that in the 21st century, in contexts of technological leaps, migrate from centralization, typical of previous centuries, to the distribution and federation of bibliographic records on the Web.

Table of Contents
Prefácio Controle bibliográfico e seu alcance nacional Por que controle bibliográfico? Controle bibliográfico Âmbitos do controle bibliográfico Funções do controle bibliográfico Valor social do controle bibliográfico nacional Controle Bibliográfico Nacional na Era Digital Controle Bibliográfico Nacional Requisitos para o Controle Bibliográfico Nacional Agência Bibliográfica Nacional Padronização bibliográfica internacional Depósito legal digital Bibliografia Nacional Corrente Diretrizes IFLA para Bibliografia Nacional na Era Digital Situação do controle bibliográfico brasileiro Controle Bibliográfico Nacional no Brasil Agência Bibliográfica Brasileira Bibliografia Brasileira e seu acesso na Web Depósito Legal no Brasil e seu status digital Efetividade do depósito legal brasileiro Nota sobre depósito obrigatório em bibliotecas estaduais Perspectivas do controle bibliográfico brasileiro na Era Digital Elementos do sistema de controle bibliográfico brasileiro Ordenamento jurídico livre de censura Política Nacional para o Livro e Bibliotecas Indústria brasileira de livros na Era Digital Agência Bibliográfica do Brasil na Era Digital Sociedade brasileira na Era Digital Acesso universal ao conhecimento na Era Digital Informação é um fenômeno social, o conhecimento é universal Universalidade do controle bibliográfico e Controle Bibliográfico Universal Bibliografia Nacional Corrente na Era Digital Interoperabilidade bibliográfica em possibilidades semânticas Padrões e formatos no domínio bibliográfico Protocolos para a comunicação bibliográfica Arquiteturas para o Controle Bibliográfico Nacional Arquitetura da Informação para o Controle Bibliográfico Arquitetura Web Semântica Sistema de Recuperação da Informação Multimodalidade e design de interação Arquitetura de hardware e software Tecnologias assistivas e referenciais Potencial tecnológico digital


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