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Across the Worlds with Aimee and Phineas

By Johnson, Kevin, Wade

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Book Id: WPLBN0100303220
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.9 MB
Reproduction Date: 09/27/2017

Title: Across the Worlds with Aimee and Phineas  
Author: Johnson, Kevin, Wade
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature
Collections: Authors Community, Science Fiction
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self-Published
Member Page: Kevin Johnson


APA MLA Chicago

Wade Johnson, B. K. (2017). Across the Worlds with Aimee and Phineas. Retrieved from

A train, stopped on the western plains. A man rides up, on a horse he'd better relinquish. A struggle on board the train; a woman of surprising, even superhuman abilities, and an unconscious man. Who is this woman, named Aimee? For that matter, who is the man who comes to her rescue, named Phineas? How is it her train can travel to parallel worlds? Who are the people who attacked her train? "Beware of false friends, and false enemies." A world called "Aryan Trans-Atlantic." "Sumer is icumen in." Join a voyage of discovery, of who Aimee and Phineas are, not to mention Ammendina, Colonel Malcontent, and the Vicereine's husband. Discover where the overwhelming red dawns and the TONE take them. Discover what lies...across the worlds with Aimee and Phineas.

Phineas, on a "borrowed" horse, finds a train stopped on the plains. Entering, he finds a pair of men attacking a seemingly defenseless woman. He instantly falls in love with her, and soon we are taking a train on a mission of liberation, to parallel worlds, in an homage to The Wild, Wild West.

I ordered staples and stores without any trouble, and went back outside to find a florid fellow questioning the wagon driver. The slave put his deed back in a pocket, and his questioner nodded and strolled over to me. "New in town," he observed. "Passin' through," I replied, pushing my hat back off my forehead. "Come in on that there train?" he said, lifting his chin to point. "Yep," I said. "Right nice," he observed. "Yep," I agreed. "Buyin' food?" "Yep." Why change a winning response? "Got any slaves aboard?" "Dunno," I said. "You don't know?" He seemed incredulous. "Nope." I grinned at him. "Don't go 'round askin' folks for deeds." "You gettin' smart with me, boy?" "Nope," I said equably. "Ma allus said, I ever get smart, that'll be a first." He stared at me awhile, then finally said, "Your ma was right." "Gen'rally so," I agreed. He stood with me while bags and barrels got brought out and loaded onto the wagon. "Quite a load," he said. "Yep," I said. "You ain't seen the half of it." "Gettin' more?" "Yep," I said. "This is 'bout half." "For a body as dumb as you, boy, you sure walk the edge o' smart." "Well, thank 'ee kindly, sir," I beamed. "Aw, go on," he said with disgust.

Table of Contents
Chapter One: Aimee Chapter Two: Go West Chapter Three: Relations Chapter Four: Mounting Up Chapter Five: "Take Me Too" Chapter Six: Taking Advantage Chapter Seven: "Joined Her" Chapter Eight: "Mate with Me" Chapter Nine: Taking Liberties Chapter Ten: The Smell of Passion Chapter Eleven: Unforeseen Afterword About the Author


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