Miaj amikoj la infanoj respondecas pri ci tiu nova “Oz-Libro”, kiel ankau la lasta, kiu nomigis La Lando Oz. Iliaj dolcaj leteretoj pledas scii “pli pri Doroteo”; kaj ili demandas: “Kio poste okazis al la Malkuraga Leono?” kaj “Kion Ozma poste faris?”—kio kompreneble signifas, fariginte Regantino de Oz. Kaj kelkaj proponas intrigojn al mi, dirante: “Bonvolu resendi Doroteon al la Lando Oz”; au “Kial ne skribi pri renkontigo de Ozma kaj Doroteo, kaj ili povos kune gui av...
This document contains information regarding topics such as The Dutch Twins Primer, The Dutch Twins, and The Eskimo Twins.
Excerpt: In the sea, once upon a time, O my Best Beloved, there was a Whale, and he ate fishes. He ate the starfish and the garfish, and the crab and the dab, and the plaice and the dace, and the skate and his mate, and the mackereel and the pickereel, and the really truly twirlywhirly eel. All the fishes he could find in all the sea he ate with his mouth--so! Till at last there was only one small fish left in all the sea, and he was a small ?Stute Fish, and he swam a li...
Excerpt: Peter Rabbit had lost his appetite. Now when Peter Rabbit loses his appetite, something is very wrong indeed with him. Peter has boasted that he can eat any time and all the time. In fact, the two things that Peter thinks most about are his stomach and satisfying his curiosity, and nearly all of the scrapes that Peter has gotten into have been because of those two things. So when Peter loses his appetite or his curiosity, there is surely something the matter wit...
Illustrated end-papers
Supplemental catalog subcollection information: American Libraries Collection; Historical Literature; Illustrated lining-papers in colors
Meteorology ; Atmosphere
Supplemental catalog subcollection information: American Libraries Collection; Historical Literature
Excerpt: Bambi is a delicious book. For delicacy of perception and essential truth I hardly know any story of animals that can stand beside this life study of a forest deer. Felix Salten is a Poet.
Appendix, p. [149]-174, prepared by Justin Winsor
Bunker Hill, Battle of, Boston, Mass., 1775
The history of A apple pie -- Miss Pussycat's tea party -- This little pig went to market -- Nursery rhymes -- The three bears -- Little Red Riding-Hood
Excerpt: One morning Dick sparrow the letter carrier of shady brook brought word to old roly bear that the chubby bears who were his cousins were expecting him to pay them a visit.
Publisher's terra cotta diagonal fine-ribbed cloth over boards, blocked in black, gold, and blind; publisher's insignia on upper board ; Ex libris Elvah Karshner ; Publisher's catalogue of Houlston and Sons (not before 1870): 8 pages at end